Master Thesis: Geometric Manifold Exploration

Master Thesis: Geometric Manifold Exploration


Sista datum för anmälning: 2024-10-30

Företagsnamn: 556056-6258

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Utbildningsnivå: Magister/Master

Utbildningsområde: Civilingenjörsutbildningar Datavetenskap och mjukvaruutveckling Digitala medier och spelteknik Fysisk planering Telekommunikation

About this opportunity:

In today’s fast-paced world, mobile communication networks play a vital role in connecting billions of devices in real time. To support this vast network, cutting-edge technologies such as optimization algorithms, AI models, and hardware-accelerated digital twins are employed. However, the advent of 5G and the demand for more realistic models pose a challenge for high-resolution simulations. Ray tracing, a state-of-the-art technique used in simulating radio wave propagation, is computationally intensive. Therefore, intelligent algorithms are needed to guide ray tracing in 3D environments.

What you will do:

This master thesis project focuses on the development of an algorithm for smart ray tracing. It will involve:

  • Learning about ray-tracing applications in modern digital technology
  • Quick prototyping of ray tracing algorithms
  • Working with modelled and realistic 3D environments
  • Exploring geometric and data-driven algorithms

The thesis will be concluded with a result presentation for the Ericsson research team.
