Forskning inom programvaruteknik
M.E.T.A. – Modelling Efficient Test Architectures
Testing and test automation are crucial parts of modern software development. Many techniques have been developed, including model-based tests (MBT). In MBT, the developer creates a model that represents an abstraction of the system under test’s (SUT) behaviour that can be executed to verify the SUT’s conformance to said model. The technique has been highly studied in academia but is currently still underutilised in practice. Furthermore, the technique is mostly used in embedded and hardware driven domains, such as automotive systems, even though research has presented many benefits with the technique for testing in other domains.
The M.E.T.A. project is a collaboration between Blekinge Institute of Technology, Spotify, AddQ and ArcticBlue that aims to investigate MBT as a technique for practical use in industry. The project is divided into two phases where the first aims to evaluate the technique’s use for GUI-based testing and the second part evaluate how MBT is used in practice and what best-practice guidelines that are available in industry.
The outcomes of the project are expected to be:
- A MBT tool for GUI-based testing that combines the established open-source tool Graphwalker with the image recognition library Eye2 to create a MBT tool for visual testing.
- A set of industrial best practices, elicited from industry how companies that use MBT utilise it to its utmost efficiency.
2019-03-01 till 2020-10-31
3,4 Mkr

Emil Alégroth