RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems

Resilience in electricity and charging systems – challenges and opportunities with marine public transport.


Finansiär: EnergimyndighetenStatus: PågåendeForskningsområde: MaskinteknikKontaktperson: Tobias Larsson, tobias.larsson@bth.seLänk till projektsidan: 2,74 MSEKProjektstart: 2024-04-01Projektslut: 2025-03-31Projektpartner: Affärsverken i Karlskrona AB, Cstrider AB, Blue World Technologies ApS, Actrify AB


The project will investigate possible electrical systems for a transport system with passenger ferries in urban public transport. Investigate how a marine transport system can be integrated with energy storage and the power grid, and at the same time be flexible to withstand disturbances. This includes energy efficiency, resilience, charging and land infrastructure. The goal is to increase knowledge about system limitations, requirements for the transport system and the electricity infrastructure in order to maintain transport capacity in the event of disturbances. As well as requirements for flexibility in the transport system to function under different infrastructure conditions.