Researchers Club 9th of June 14-16

Welcome to BTH Researchers Club  for a meeting with a focus on VINNOVA from a funding and innovation perspective

When: June 9 2022, 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Utsikten, J-huset, Plan 4
register for the meeting via: Link

VINNOVA have many possibilities for external funding. Some of them are funded by VINNOVA directly, other are for example possible to apply for with VINNOVA as national node.

Being Sweden’s innovation agency VINNOVA aims to support innovation capacity in Sweden. The way to do that is to fund research and innovation projects. VINNOVA also have a mission to coordinate national strategic initiatives that includes actors across sectors.

During this Researchers Club-meeting we will have a closer look on the specific conditions for VINNOVAs own calls and give an overview also of other opportunities where VINNOVA has a role to play.

Both BTH Grants Office and Innovation office will be in the meeting in order to give both funding and innovation perspectives at VINNOVAs offers.

31 maj 2022