Seminarium om IT-attacken mot Ukrainas regering

BTH säkerhetsforskare bjuder in till ett exklusivt seminarium kring IT-attacken som nyligen skedde mot Ukrainas regering. Attacken var den största på fyra år och slog tillfälligt ut närmare 70 myndigheters webbplatser.

Under seminariet kommer forskarna att återskapa händelseförloppet för att visa hur man förhindrar framtida liknande attacker.

Seminariet hålls på engelska. 

Datum: 2 februari
Tid: Klockan 09:00 – 10:00
Plats: Online på Zoom. Klicka här för att delta

This seminar will focus on the events of January 13 2022, when several Ukrainian government networks were subject to a destructive cyber-attack. With help of information from sources proximity to the investigation we will provide a hypothetic scenario of this attack known as #attack13. This was the largest such attack on Ukraine in four years and about 70 government websites were temporarily down. During the seminar the researchers will try to reconstruct the timeline of the attack and demonstrate those key points which can be useful to prevent such attacks in the future.

This seminar is given by Dr. Anders Carlsson and Dr. Oleksii Baranovskyi both senior faculty members at Blekinge Institute of Technology as well as team members of PROMIS.

Anders Carlsson has over 30 years of experience in computer-, network-security and digital forensics. He was educated and earned a degree as a Computer Engineer/Lieutenant-Commander specialist in the Submarines of the Royal Swedish Navy, where he worked for 25 years. He has been involved in developing courses and training law enforcement officers within EUROPOL and BKA (the Federal Police in Germany) in forensics.

Oleksii Baranovskyi is an experienced cybersecurity expert with a demonstrated history of working in the academic as well as enterprise. He specializes in penetration tests, computer forensic, incident response, and technical audits.

At the end of the seminar we will shortly also discuss and show PROMIS educational initiative – courses specifically adapted towards the security area FOR industry and professionals looking to further their knowledge in the area.


PROMIS is a joint project between Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and several leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. The goal is to supply customized, free courses in Information Security for professional engineers and software developers in the industry. Visit for more information.

Extrainsatta seminarier / More seminars to come

The cyberattack against the Ukrainian government Part 2
With a focus on three malicious components used in the cyberattack.
Date: 9 February
Time: 09:00 – 10:00
Location: Online in Zoom. Click here to join.

The cyberattack against the Ukrainian government Part 3
Date: 16 February
More information coming soon. See calendar for updated time and Zoom link.

28 januari 2022