– A quick way to help capture and describe ideas in an early stage –

The N-ABC model

The N-ABC model is a simple structure that helps describe an initial idea.

N-ABC stands for Need, Approach, Benefit and Competition and is a model for documenting the basic aspects of a business idea, it’s an important starting point.

During this session, we will explain the strength of the model, what it can be used for and also explore a few examples.

Many of us generate ideas most of the time, both small and large, but we do not have the techniques to capture them and put them on paper and thus begin the evaluation. Here, the NABC model can be helpful!

When and where

The event is held online through Zoom on November 3rd 2020 at 16:00-18:00.

To participate you can join by Zoom-link: 


Stay in touch

BTH along with BBI is very interested in keeping the contact with you. It might be the case that your business idea is something worth building on, and taking to the next level. Read more about us on bth.se/innovation or visit www.b-b-i.se.


BTH – BBI – Minc – Ideon – Region Blekinge – Tillväxtverket