Summer Innovation Sprint

Summer Innovation Sprint

Get ready for a summertime sprint during week 26 to week 31!

Register Here!

Do you have an idea that could become a business? Let’s get your startup ready in six weeks.

Join the Summer Innovation Sprint, an online six-week program to develop your idea and present it to a jury of experts!

The sprint starts with a kick-off in June and ends at the Spike Festival in August.

We are looking for:

  • Your idea has a unique solution to a problem
  • Your idea can be able to grow in size

Who can apply:

  • You have an idea or a recently started startup
  • Have the opportunity to be on-site for two separate days, the kick-off and Spike Festival. Travel expenses are covered by the organizer within Skåne/Blekinge.


We will start with a kickoff at Minc in Malmö. This will be your chance to meet each other, discuss your ideas and get a face to the persons that you’ll meet online during the Summer Innovation Sprint.

Spike festival

At the end of August, we will meet in person at the Spike Festival in Karlskrona. Here you will have the chance to pitch your idea to people in the business, students and investors, and this is your chance to shine!

To be eligible to pitch, you must finish all content and assignments throughout the sprint. 

More about the Summer Innovation Sprint

Every attendee will have support on how to take their ideas to the next step.

The program’s main idea is to guide you and give you tools to continue working on your business idea.

We will work with the lean methodology, which is used to turn proposed solutions into business models underpinned by assumptions that are rapidly tested with actual customers to separate truth from fiction, learn and iterate toward product-market fit.

We will use Slack as the communication platform for assignments and submissions and share all the recorded workshops and slides for those who want to look at the material again.

We will use Zoom for workshops and feedback sessions.

The timeline for the summer is following:

  1. Document your plan
  2. Test your Hypothesis
  3. Build to test and learn
  4. Sustainability and Agenda 2030
  5. Economy
  6. Pitch / Storytelling

There will be workshops and individual coaching mixed with individual work and assignments. The Summer Innovation Sprint is designed in a way that you can easily follow by keeping yourself updated with the material in Slack.

Register Here!