Abbas Cheddad

Abbas Cheddad


Institutionen för datavetenskap, Rum J3112


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Short Biography

I did my PhD at the faculty of Computing and Engineering at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, UK. I worked as a post-doc at Umeå University (Sweden) and also was affiliated with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm for several years. From Oct 2015, I joined the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona (Sweden) as a senior lecturer (Dpt of Computer Science and Engineering) where I hold, currently, the title of Associate Professor (Docent). Alongside my teaching duties, we just finalised a large research project, “Scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics,” where close research collaboration with industry is key for the project execution. I invested my expertise in image processing into this project that focused on Big Data More specifically, I am leading research theme B: Big data analytics for image processing. The research profile, Scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics, combined existing expertise in machine learning, data mining, and computer engineering to create new knowledge in the area of scalable resource-efficient systems for big data analytics. The value of the new knowledge was demonstrated and evaluated in two application areas (decision support systems and image processing). The team was collaborating, research-wise, with two companies, namely SONY Mobile Communications AB (Lund) and Arkiv Digital AB (Stockholm), by addressing practical industrial problems. I am also collaborating with GKN Aerospace Sweden AB (the world’s leading multi-technology tier 1 aerospace supplier). Recently, we received a grant from the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKs) for another large project on “Human-Centered Intelligent Realities (HINTS)”. The KKs invests 36 million SEK (~3.4 million euros) in our research project which is also co-financed by several companies (i.e., Ericsson, IKEA -Marketing & Comm-, SPOTIFY, NODA, VIROTEA, BLACKDROP) and our institute (BTH). I am involved in this project in the co-supervision of a PhD student and Theme leadership (2022-2024).

My research interests fall into the following disciplines: Computer vision, 3D reconstruction and Optical projection tomography, Steganography, Medical image analysis, Quantitative imaging bio-markers, Pattern localisation and recognition, Characterization and validation of imaging bio-markers, Evaluation of the association between image-based phenotypes and genomic biomarkers, Algorithms for the computer-guided analysis of multi-dimensional microscopy-data sets, Computational support for tissue-related target/ biomarker discovery, development and analysis, and machine learning applications. More info is provided in my CV.

Nyligen publicerat
Zohra Adila Cheddad, Abbas Cheddad, "Active Restoration of Lost Audio Signals Using Machine Learning and Latent Information", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), ISSN 23673370, EISSN 23673389, Intelligent Systems and Applications, Springer, 2024
Meftah Aouissi, Salaheddine Harzallah, Abbas Cheddad, "Crack growth optimization using eddy current testing and genetic algorithm for estimating the stress intensity factors", Acta Mechanica, ISSN 0001-5970, EISSN 1619-6937, Vol. 235, nr 6, pp. 3643 - 3656, Springer, 2024
Prashant Goswami, Henrik Johansson, Abbas Cheddad, "Animated lightning bolt generation using machine learning", 12th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, IPTA 2023, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023
Veronica Sundstedt, Veselka Boeva, Hans-Juergen Zepernick, Prashant Goswami, Abbas Cheddad, Kurt Tutschku, Håkan Grahn, Emiliano Casalicchio, Markus Fiedler, Emilia Mendes, Shahrooz Abghari, Yan Hu, Valeria Garro, Thi My Chinh Chu, Lars Lundberg, Patrik Arlos, "HINTS", Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1650-3686, EISSN 1650-3740, EISSN 199, 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society SAIS 2023, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2023
Prashant Goswami, Abbas Cheddad, Fredrik Junede, Samuel Asp, "Interactive landscape–scale cloud animation using DCGAN", Frontiers in Computer Science, EISSN 2624-9898, Vol. 5, Frontiers Media S.A., 2023

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