Denny Carolina Villamil Velasquez

Denny Carolina Villamil Velasquez


Institutionen för strategisk hållbar utveckling, Rum H453E


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Carolina Villamil is a Colombian Teacher at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola in the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH (Sweden). She has a Master in Sustainable Product Service System (PSS) Innovation and her PhD was in the field of sustainable product development. She is a creative, enthusiastic, skilled and passionate designer, who has experience in the fields of industrial design and education. Carolina is an energetic team member who views challenges as great opportunities and has a big commitment with the environment and the development of sustainable products and services with the focus on stakeholder’s active participation.

Research focus at BTH: 

Carolina main research is related to the implementation of sustainability in product portfolio. She already has determine the state of art of the field related to the academia and the industry, which helped to developed a method to guide companies to include strategic sustainability in the early phases of the product portfolio process. This method was developed with the support of colleagues of the SDP team at BTH. the method is called “Strategic layered double flow scenario modeling for sustainability risk and portfolio management” (STARDUST). The STARDUST method has been tested with company partners as part of the DSIP and Profile + projects. The study is in the second phase of testing, where a pilot of the method has been improved, which includes digitalization and a game-approach.

Strategic layered double flow scenario modeling for sustainability risk and portfolio management (STARDUST) method


Research approach of the study


Conceptual map of the literature review

On going projects:

Digital Sustainability Implementation Package (DSIP)
The purpose of DSIP is to enable a strategic sustainability approach early in the product innovation process. The DSIP package compile a knowledge platform, a data management platform and novel digital tools to evaluate, measure, estimate, predict, set requirement, and simulate expected sustainability performance for alternative product concepts early in the development.

Profile + Sustainable Product Development within Model-driven development and decision support
This profile+ project is based on a clear vision and objective regarding model driven development and decision support for sustainable product-service system (PSS) innovation and is building on the further deepening of the ongoing profile work with perspectives of raising international recognition through further presence in top publications, partnering with academics internationally, and also affecting educational programmes at BTH.

Projekt och publikationer

Pågående projekt
Digital Sustainability Implementation Package (DSIP)
Profile + Sustainable Product Development within Model-driven development and decision support
Avslutade projekt
Sustainable design and production - Guide Book 2015-2016. Campus virtual Politécnico Grancolombiano.
STOSIP - Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Implementation of Sustainability into the Innovation Process

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