Eriks Klotins

Eriks Klotins


Institutionen för programvaruteknik, Rum J2619


About me

My current work is aimed to explore how tech start-ups use software engineering practices to devise and evolve their products. There is a belief that ”traditional” software engineering practices and processes are too heavyweight and bureaucratic for fast moving start-ups. On the other hand, purely ad-hoc practices can backfire with product quality issues and expensive maintenance if a start-up succeeds in a market.

My goal is to understand what engineering practices are best suited for start-up environment and what are the considerations for selecting the engineering practices in start-ups. In my work, I collect primary data from start-ups and analyze what works, what does not work in start-ups at different product stages, markets, product types and so on. In other words, the goal of my PhD is to create an engineering roadmap for start-ups and to pilot it with tech start-ups.

At the moment I am interested in collaboration with tech start-ups that would be willing to share their experience with product engineering in exchange for access to expert knowledge and global best practices.

Projekt och publikationer

Nyligen publicerat
Bhuwan Paudel, Javier Gonzalez-Huerta, Daniel Mendez, Eriks Klotins, "A Data-Driven Approach to Optimize Internal Software Quality and Customer Value Delivery", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), ISSN 0302-9743, EISSN 1611-3349, EISSN 15453, Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. Industry-, Workshop-, and Doctoral Symposium Papers, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2025
Darja Šmite, Anastasiia Tkalich, Nils Brede Moe, Panagiota Chatzipetrou, Eriks Klotins, Per Kristian Helland, "Dual Effects of Hybrid Working on Performance", Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, ISSN 1865-1348, EISSN 1865-1356, EISSN 524, Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2025
Panagiota Chatzipetrou, Darja Šmite, Anastasiia Tkalich, Nils Brede Moe, Eriks Klotins, "Interest in Working Remotely", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), ISSN 0302-9743, EISSN 1611-3349, EISSN 15452, Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, Springer, 2025
Anastasiia Tkalich, Eriks Klotins, Tor Sporsem, Viktoria Stray, Nils Brede Moe, Astri Barbala, "User feedback in continuous software engineering", Empirical Software Engineering, ISSN 1382-3256, EISSN 1573-7616, Vol. 30, nr 3, Springer, 2025
Darja Šmite, Eriks Klotins, Nils Brede Moe, "What Attracts Employees to Work on Site in Times of Increased Remote Working?", IEEE Software, ISSN 0740-7459, EISSN 1937-4194, Vol. 42, nr 1, pp. 100 - 109, IEEE Computer Society, 2025