Martin Frank

Martin Frank


Institutionen för maskinteknik

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Started as a Research Engineer with deep technical responsibility for machine function automation and optimization. Engaged in the exploration and the subsequent development of onboard monitoring systems as well as passive and active operator assistant functions. Promoted to a Volvo CE Technology Specialist to support and drive projects related to machine intelligence and automation globally while sharing knowledge and education colleagues within the global organization. Driving research in the fields of automation, human-machine interaction and design research related to the former mentioned areas. In addition, responsible for the exploration initiatives and budget for the area of machine intelligence and user experience as Program Leader within the global Advanced Engineering and Core Technology department. Many responsibilities in leading and coordinating internal research and exploration initiatives to create deeper knowledge about the requirements for the design of highly automated and autonomous construction equipment.


The aim of the research is to support the decision making process during the early design phases of automated and autonomous systems. The research is part of the Model Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S+) profile

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