Matilda Sandgren Watz

Matilda Sandgren Watz

Biträdande universitetslektor

Institutionen för strategisk hållbar utveckling, Rum H449B


Sustainable Product Development research lab

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Dr. Matilda Watz is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development. Her research interests consider organizational decision-making practices for sustainable product development from a requirements development and management perspective. As such, her work focuses on understanding and improving processes, methods, tools and routines for identification, modelling and selection of sustainability criteria and design requirements, and how these can be organized and and used and to guide concept selection and trade-off management for sustainable product development in different types of product development companies.

Towards Sustainable Product Development through a lens of Requirements – M.Watz (2022) PhD thesis presentation: Towards Sustainable Product Development through a lens of Requirements – M.Watz PhD pres. 220602.mp4


Vad är receptet på en hållbar produkt? En kort presentation om hållbarhet i produktutveckling från UR Samtiden:
Länk till video på UR play (svenska).