Wlodek Kulesza

Wlodek Kulesza

Senior Professor


Institutionen för matematik och naturvetenskap, Rum J3626


Wlodeks biografi

In 2001 I received an offer of Professorship in Measurement and Instrumentation from University of Kalmar. Since 207 I have been Professor in Multi-sensor System at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona. My three-year industrial postdoc at a German company benefits in my Engineering Research field of Multisensory System for Health and Security Applications. In 2009, I was honoured with the Andy Chi Best Paper Award by IEEE Transaction in Measurement and Instrumentation. Since 2016, I have been a co-authors of eight articles published at ISI journals.

I took part in teaching Sensors Signals and Systems at different levels. Nowadays, the course of Research Methodology including Philosophy of Science for Master and PhD students of Informatics, as well as Electrical and Mechanical Engineering is my primary educational responsibility. I have been also involved in Workshops of Scientific Writing at several Chinese and Polish Universities, at which I am Visiting Professor. I am an author of several textbooks among others two editions of “Scientific Metrology” and “Measurement Data Handling” vol. 1- Theoretical Technique, vol. 2 – Hardware Technique.

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