Beteendeförändring för hållbarhet
Fristående kurstillfälle, 7,5 hp
- Studietid: 2025 vecka 4 till 2025 vecka 13
- Ort: Distans
- Undervisningsform: Distans, blandad undervisningstid, halvfart 50%
- Huvudområde: Strategiskt ledarskap för hållbarhet
- Språk: Engelska
- Nivå: G1N
- Anmälningskod: V5503
- Kurskod: SL1416
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Beteendeförändring för hållbarhet, 7,5 hp
The course will be held in English.
Are you interested in learning how to support behaviour change for sustainability? We offer a hands-on, interactive course from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you like to study).
You will learn some basic theory and then practise designing behaviour change interventions for sustainability. You will benefit from a mixture of live, online sessions with the teachers, time to study on your own and work in your group, totalling 20 hours per week. By the end of the course, you will be ready to use several techniques in reality.
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