The Kowledge foundation will fund this project, Symphony, “Tillgång- och efterfrågabaserad tjänsteexponering med hjälp av robusta distribuerade metoder“, är KK Stiftelsen, projektperioden är 2020-02-01–2023-01-31.
The Symphony project aims at investigating and solving the problem of exposing services by a marketplace in Cloudnative and federated environments, addressing the security, confidentiality, privacy and provenance needs for future applications of digital societies. By considering the use-case of data services for managing Renewable Energy Source (RES), the Symphony project seeks to develop solutions for securing, monitoring and accounting of service chains using blockchain-based techniques. In addition, the Symphony project applies a requirements-driven engineering approach that analyses the security needs of Cloudnative systems and of the RES use-ease as considered by the user. The project will implement a prototype for service exposure model using a service chain for RES on TRL 4/5 (“Technology validated in lab /relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies”).
The expected contributions from the Symphony project are derived front the main research question (MRQ) and matching with the needs of the business partners. Thus, the Symphony project embraces the co-production of its results with the industrial partners as well as contributing to significant scientific results.
From the Symphony project, the aim is to investigate existing and new related challenges together with partners, in areas such as service composition and exposure, blockchains, security, and authentication. The main outcome of the Symphony project from Ericsson’s perspective is a flexible solution allowing to expose and compose services in a decentralized fashion that would have been validated in collaboration with data and/or service providers. Such a solution could then be used to perform further research topics such as loT or edge cloud ox be incorporated into fame products, creating a long-term impact both in research and our business.
Affärsverken Energi i Karlskrona AB
Affärsverken Energi I Karlskrona AB (short- Affärserken Energi) has recently conducted a number of experiments into the business potentials and needs of the use case of local transactions for renewable energy sources. Renewable energy providers struggle with the problem of protecting the customer data on energy production and consumption. This data is highly private and must not be accessed by unauthorized hands. The misuse of the energy usage data might enable attacks on the distribution grid as well permit the manipulation of the RES market. However, the sharing of the energy data is of high interest for the customer and Affärsverken-based IoT network which uses LoRa transmission technology to collect energy production and consumption information. Affärsverken Energi AB aims either at extending this network to complement it with 5G-IoT technology for providing energy data services.
To help protect customers, Affärsverken Energi wishes to avoid having security issues block the development of different business models and solutions. based on these premises, Affärsverken has defined the following hypothesis:
If Affärsverken Energi is able to ensure that information security is integrated into the core of our services, then more customers will be prepared to participate in different experiments, new services and novel business.
Expected results by the project
The contributions of the Symphony project are derived from the project main research question (MRQ) as well as defused by matching the MRQ. with the needs of the business partners. Thus, the Symphony project embraces and deepens the co-production of the result with industrial partners in the project. The outcome of the Symphony project is a framework for the composition, exposure and operation of service chains in dominative and federated environments, which uses marketplace concepts for business transactions, robust blockchains for secure authentication and monitoring, and which maintains confidentiality, privacy and eventually end-user controllability of user data and us ape patterns.
People in the project
- Project leader: Prof. dr. Kurt Tutschku
- Dr. Dragos Ilie
- Dr. Samuel Fricker
- Dr. Lawrence Henesey
- Ph. D. student, Roman Valentyn Tkachuk