Good Initiatives

– Ideas for a better future –

Good Initiatives 2020

This is an activity held by BTH Innovation and BBI (Blekinge Business Incubator). Usually we hold competitions in business development, but in times like these we wanted to put the focus on helping and contributing instead of competing.

We’ve arranged a few online activities, there will be two workshops – one in Ideation and one in a tool used for developing successful business ideas: Business Model Canvas. The third activity is a pitch, which is a short presentation of your business idea, about 6 minutes. To create the best pitch we will provide tools and tips for succeeding in this part.


Great initiatives are emerging during tough battles. Let’s sustain those ideas – join our online activities for developing a better future!

In these difficult times there are a lot of helping hands and supportive people. Great ideas are emerging during the battle of Corona. All these good initiatives and concepts should be realized and implemented.

Do you want to contribute? Join our online activity and develop your ideas together in this digital event by us at BTH Innovation. Workshops in ideation and Business Model Canvas will be held over Zoom-meetings and other virtual tools. You don’t need to have a business idea ready when joining.

Let’s make sure all the good initiatives coming from this fight against Corona make it into the future! Join us during week 20 (May 11 – May 14)!

When and where

The schedule during this online event is the following:

  • Monday 11/5 at 15:00-17:00:
    Workshop Ideation
  • Tuesday 12/5 at 15:00-17:00:
    Workshop Business Model Canvas
  • Thursday 14/5 at 13:00-16:00:
    Pitch-training and presentation

All activities will be held through Zoom-meetings, you do not need to have an account. The link is:


When there’s chaos in the world, people come together to fix it. Great ideas and good initiatives are emerging during crises. Together we can develop our business minds and at the same time help contribute and provide solutions.

Together we will vote on the best idea created and a crank radio (vevradio) will be gifted to the founders of the idea.

Every participant will also receive an online diploma for completing the workshops.


Do you want to participate in the activities, please sign up here:

Registration Good Initiatives

Stay in touch

BTH along with BBI are very interested in keeping the contact with you. It might be the case that your business idea is something worth building on and taking to the next level. Read more about us on or visit
