Algebra & Geometry
Algebra & Geometry Group
The research carried out by the Algebra & Geometry Group is mainly focused on non-associative algebra, non-commutative algebra and non-commutative geometry.
The structures that are being investigated include (but are not limited to):
- Group graded rings and especially epsilon-strongly graded rings, incl. Leavitt path algebras
- Crossed products and partial actions by groups
- Quantum groups
- Ore extensions (associative / non-associative)
- Principal bundles
The group’s members work actively to publish research articles (see below), and collaborate with researchers in Sweden as well as abroad.
- 2024-11-28: Michael Roop (Chalmers tekniska högskla) gives a talk entitled “Structure preserving discretization and long-time behaviour of ideal magnetohydrodynamics on the sphere” in room G340 at 14:15.
- 2024-05-07: Prof. Jens Wittsten (Högskolan i Borås) gives a talk entitled ”Signal processing of marine seismic data” in room J1630 at 15:15.
- 2024-04-16: Dr. Alfilgen Sebandal (Research Center for Theoretical Physics in Jagna Bohol, the Philippines) gives a talk entitled ”Quiver representations for Leavitt path algebras as talented monoid classification detour” in room G340 at 14:15.
- Spring of 2023: Prof. Karl Lorensen (Pennsylvania State University, USA) visits our research group as a guest professor during 4 months.
- 2022-05-24: Paula S. E. Moreira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) gives a talk entitled ”Partial skew groupoid rings with applications to topological dynamics” and Natã Machado (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) gives a talk entitled ”Groupoid extensions and crossed products”. Starting at 13:15 in room H313.
- 2022-05-05: Prof. Patrik Lundström (Högskolan Väst) gives a talk entitled ”Chain conditions for rings with enough idempotents with applications to category graded rings” in room J1630 at 13:15.
- 2021 (Dec.) – 2022 (May): Paula S. E. Moreira and Natã Machado from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, visit our research group as guest PhD students.
- 2021-09-01: Daniel Lännström’s doctoral defence takes place in room J1630 at 15:00.
- 2020-03-04: Prof. em. Håkan Lennerstad gives a talk entitled “The 2-dimensional Stern-Brocot tree, and the n-dimensional” in room C413A at 13.15.

Johan Richter
Senior lecturer/Associate professor

Stefan Wagner
Biträdande professor/Prodekan

Johan Öinert