Contract training

Tailor-made Sustainability Training

Sustainability specialists will be the second fastest growing job category between 2023 until 2027. (World Economic Forum – Global Risk Report 2024)

Strategic thinking and problem-solving/decision-making top the list as the business skills companies need most, according to leaders.  (Springboard – state of the workforce skills gap 2024)

Due to sustainability and technology disruption, by 2025, 50% of employees will need re-skilling, by 2027 60% of the workforce will need training but only half have adequate access.  (World Economic Forum – Future of Jobs Report 2023)


Our world leading team of sustainability experts, educators and leadership development specialists  is here to help build your organisations sustainable future. For decades, we have worked collaboratively with organisations to design and deliver tailored training programmes in sustainability leadership development and education that help inspire organisational and societal sustainability transformations.

We offer customised educational packages that enable strategic action towards sustainability  and promote long term collaboration that develops organisational learning for sustainability. Our programs are flexible in length and format (online, in person, hybrid) and are designed in collaboration to fit your organization, employees and work schedule.

Program participants receive access to cutting edge sustainability knowledge relevant to their industry and tailored support from industry experts. Hands-on and practical learning with content relevant to your organization creates learning that directly benefits you and provides both professional development opportunity tangible sustainability outcomes. Programs can include official university credits.

Some of our former participants give the following reviews of our training:


The advice we have received from BTH’s sustainability researchers has helped us setting strategic directions and holding out against inertia and resistance in the conservative industry.

  Jonas Kleberg, CEO Soya Group


The course provided me with absolute clarity on the subject of sustainability. The lessons learnt from this course will prove invaluable for both mine and my company’s future.

Paul Nelms, Business Excellence Systems Manager, Telford Extrusions, UK.




Our offerings are closely connected to our research and education expertise. Example topics include:

  • Strategic sustainable development
  • Strategic planning for organizational sustainability transitions
  • Sustainable product development
  • Risk management
  • Behaviour change for sustainability
  • Social sustainability in product- and service development
  • Innovation and collaboration for sustainability
  • Leadership development for sustainability


Short Course Example


Formats are designed in collaboration with clients and based on our 25 year experience in sustainability education. Example formats include:

  • 1 or 2 day in-person workshop
  • Online short course with 30 min video content, short quizzes and asynchronous or online discussions over multiple weeks. See an example here for this format applied to basic sustainability content
  • Train the trainer approach: Our team training trainers at your end and supporting them over many months to implement the training in your organization.



3 month leadership development Example


Download our flyer on contact training here:



For more information and pricing, please contact us at

Department of Strategic Sustainable Development