Maps and premises
Maps and premises
Welcome to BTH and our two campuses
Visiting addresses:
Campus Karlskrona: Valhallavägen 1, Karlskrona (Google maps)
Campus Karlshamn: Biblioteksgatan 4, Karlshamn (Google maps)
Official address:
Blekinge Institute of Technology
SE-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden
View of Campus Karlskrona
Campus Karlskrona is the main BTH campus, where eight of BTH’s nine departments are located. The easiest way to find your way around is to go to the entrance, building A, the wooden building in the very centre of the campus. Here you will find the BTH reception, where the staff will guide you further.
Building A
Reception – get your parking permit and BTH card here
Building C
Department of Spatial Planning
Central Administration
Collaboration and Innovation Unit
Building D
BTH Research and Education Clinic
Building G
Innovation labs
Building H
Department of Health
Department of Computer Science
Department of Strategic Sustainable Development
Building J
Student Union expedition
Restaurant Bistro J
Multisalen, J1504
Student support
Department of Computer Science
Department of Industrial Economics
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Software Engineering
Central Administration
View of Campus Karlshamn
Campus Karlshamn is BTH’s second campus, where two of BTH’s nine departments are located. On campus, you can find classrooms, library and labs as well as restaurants, all located centrally, right by the sea.
Building A
Department of Technology and Aesthetics
Building B
Department of Computer Science
Department of Technology and Aesthetics
Student Health Service
The Student Union building is located just five hundred metres from campus.
Travel to BTH
If you want to travel by bus or train:
Take the train (link to SJ)
If you want to travel by plane: