Personal Data

Controller of Personal Data

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) is the Controller of the processing of personal data that takes place within the framework of the University’s activities.

You can contact BTH if you want to know what information the University has about you, to request correction or to request restriction of processing, to object to processing or request deletion of your information.

If you have complaints about BTH’s processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with our supervisory authority Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten.

University contact information

Data Processing

Processing of personal data at BTH takes place to carry out the mission as a University and Public Authority through education, research and collaboration with society.

BTH is responsible for collecting and processing only the personal data needed for the purpose and that there is a lawful basis for this purpose.

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The most common reasons why BTH needs to process your personal data is that you are a student, employed, seeking a job, attending an event at the University or participating in a research study.

BTH is responsible for ensuring that all processing of your personal data is protected by appropriate technical and organizational measures and that the measures are such that they ensure a level of safety appropriate to the risk of processing.

Since BTH is a Public Authority that is governed by the principle of public access to official documents, messages and other information sent to the University will become public documents. If your personal information is in a public act, BTH may, upon request, disclose these, unless the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009: 400) prevent this.

BTH may also disclose your personal information to other parties who need to access them because of a mission of public interest, as part of the exercise of public authority or due to a legal obligation that BTH has. For example, disclosure of personal data on students is regularly done to CSN (the Swedish Board of Student Finance) and SCB (Statistics Sweden) and information on employees must be submitted to the Swedish Tax Agency.

Personal data at BTH are kept as long as necessary for the purpose of the treatment and in accordance with applicable legislation. Most personal data processed at BTH need to be stored at the University in accordance with the National Archives Act (199: 782) and the regulations of the Swedish National Archives.

Information for you as a student

Processing of information about you as a student occurs in the study administrative systems that are necessary for BTH to carry out the education. The two systems that mainly concern you as a student are NyA and Ladok.

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Identity data (name, social security number, address, telephone number and e-mail) is stored in the registration register NyA, and information about eligibility, basis of selection, obligation to pay registration fee or tuition fee as well as admission. Your data is processed by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) and BTH when we try to determine if you are eligible for admission and when we value your qualifications for the selection.

In the study register Ladok, for each student, identity information (name, social security number, address, telephone number and e-mail) is stored and in addition to the data processed in NyA, information about participation in education and tests, study results, grades, accreditation of education other accredited activities and degree. In addition, the study register must contain the information required for BTH to provide data to Statistics Sweden (SCB).

Provisions for the registry NyA and Ladok are stated in the Regulation (1993: 1153) on the accounting of studies, etc. at universities. The disclosure of data from the registers may be made to third parties, such as other universities, SCB and CSN, as listed in the Regulation.


The BTH card is an access card to the university’s premises for employees, students, contractors and guests. It also provides the opportunity to constitute identity cards within campus, print on the university’s printer, constitute identification at exams, constitute library cards. Personal data linked to the card is name, card number, acronym and photo and is handled in the university’s system for the BTH card.

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The legal basis for the processing of personal data is to fulfil a task carried out in the public interest.

The purpose of the personal data processing is to be able to manage access to the university’s premises for employees, students, contractors and guests in order to be able to offer a both secure and accessible campus environment.

Personal data is stored for the duration of the card’s access to the university’s premises.

Information for you participating in events at the university

Personal data (name, address, telephone number and e-mail) and other information provided in connection with registrations for seminars, conferences, public defenses of dissertation etc. are only saved as long as required for the administration of the event or required by applicable accounting rules.

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Some arrangements include photography and filming. As a participant or visitor, you can therefore be photographed and filmed on behalf of BTH and the material may be used in print and / or digital form, such as on the web, in advertisements, in brochures, as press images or by university partners. The pictures and movies may also be used for future use. The material will be removed and filed when it is no longer deemed relevant.

For communication in social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube, in many instances, there are no necessary safeguards between social media and EU / EEC, or directly with BTH. Therefore, BTH does not have full discretion about how images and films published in these media are used.

If you do not want to be photographed and filmed or have questions, contact the BTH Communications Department, which at our events are wearing black vests or call the switchboard at: +46 455 – 38 50 00.

Information for you as participant in research projects

Personal data, including sensitive personal data such as questions about your health, may be processed if you participate in a research project at BTH.

A research project may only be conducted if you as a participant voluntarily agreed to this and, moreover, only if you have previously been informed about the research.

You are entitled to information about the overall plan for research, the purpose of the research, the methods that will be used, the consequences and risks that research may cause, who the principal researcher is, that participation in research is voluntary and your right to end your participation at any time.

Information for you as lender at the library

Personal data (name, social security number, address, e-mail address and telephone number) are registered in the library’s lenders register. The lenders register records borrowed and reserved books. Logging is performed on the use of the library’s digital environments. If the lender does not return the books after the end of the loan period, late payment may be required, and personal data may be disclosed to a debt collection agency.

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The legal basis for personal data processing is to fulfill a task of public interest.

The purpose of personal data processing is to be able to conduct library activities such as issuing of library cards, administering loans, handling notifications for courses, receiving orders for material and contacting questioners.

The collected personal data will not be processed for any other purpose and will not be disclosed to any party outside of BTH.

Exceptions can be made if borrowers do not return books after the loan period, as late payment fees may be required, and personal data may be disclosed to debt collection agencies.

When you as a student at BTH want to become a lender at the university library, personal data will be retrieved from your student account. If you are inactivated as a lender or wish to delete your personal data from the library system, BTH will limit the processing of your personal data in the library system. The information in your student account may still be needed to be used for study administrative tasks.

The personal data processed to manage loans and reservation of materials in the library’s lenders register is saved as long as the lender intends to be an active lender at the library. An active lender is defined as having active loans or reservations. If you do not use your library card, your account will be deactivated after five years. Logging of the use of the library’s digital environments is deleted after one year.

For library activities, privacy is governed by Chapter 40. § 3 of the Swedish Publicity and Secrecy Act (2009: 400) for registration of an individual’s loans, reservations or other form of order and for an individual’s use of information technology.

Information for you who are employed or applying for a position

Personal data are processed in various personnel administrative systems to the extent necessary to assess the application for employment, fulfill employment contracts, to comply with applicable laws and collective agreements, and what may be necessary for BTH to perform its duties.

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Examples of categories of personal data being processed are identity information (name, social security number, address, telephone number and e-mail) and the form of employment, scope of employment, extra duties and management positions, service planning, work schedule, secondary employments, salary, taxes, social security contributions, holidays, parental leave, sick leave, medical certificates, etc.

Disclosure of data may be done to third parties in order to, for example, comply with legal requirements such as reporting of taxes and social security contributions. Disclosure is made to the Swedish Tax Agency, Statistics Sweden, Swedish Agency for Government Employers, Försäkringskassan, Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), The National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) and trade unions.

Information sent from the University

As an accepted student at BTH, information about the University and information important to your studies can be sent to you via email. Legal basis for this is to carry out a task of public interest and to inform about the University’s activities.

For those interested in BTH’s business wishing to receive BTH’s press releases, you can subscribe to these via Mynewsdesk. Your contact information will only be used to send out BTH’s press releases, and you can unsubscribe from the contact list at any time.

Contact information

Controller of personal data

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
Address: SE-371 79 Karlskrona,
Organization Number: 202100-4011
Phone: +46 455-38 50 00

Data Protection Officer

Phone: +46 455-38 50 00

More information

You can read more about the processing of personal data and data protection regulations on our supervisory authority’s, Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, web site There you will also find information on how to contact Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten if you have complaints about BTH’s processing of your personal data.

Principal rights according to the Data Protection Regulation

The right to access

You are entitled to request an answer to if BTH processes personal data about you and to receive a free copy of the personal data being processed. You can request extracts repeatedly, but BTH may charge a fee according to the Fee Ordinance (1992: 191) to cover the administrative costs for this. In connection with such a request, BTH may also provide additional information about the treatment, as its purpose, categories of personal data being processed, expected storage time, etc.

The right to correction

You are entitled to request that your personal data at BTH are corrected if they are incorrect. This may apply, for example, to additional information for your address or the like. BTH is required to correct your personal information without unnecessary delay. BTH is not required to correct someone’s data if they are processed only for archive purposes.

The right to deletion

You are entitled to have your personal data deleted from BTH’s system, if personal data is no longer required in order to meet the purpose for which they were collected.

There may be provisions requiring BTH not to delete the person’s data, such as the rules on public documents or documentation of research or studies. BTH is required by law to keep its public records. This means that personal data may need to be retained even when they were originally collected and processed for a purpose other than archival purposes of public interest.

If personal data has been disclosed to another party, BTH may take reasonable steps to notify these parties of this request for deletion.

If BTH cannot delete your data for legal reasons, the University may limit the processing of the data to only include what is required to fulfill BTH’s obligations.

The right of objecting to processing

You may object to BTH’s processing of your personal data in certain cases, such as in research or education. BTH will then terminate processing if the University has no compelling reasons to continue with it or if the processing is required for BTH’s legal obligations.

The right of limitation of personal data

You are entitled to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, which means that the university ensures that the University only processes personal data for specific purposes.

BTH may restrict processing in the following cases:

-If the person claims that personal information is incorrect and BTH needs time to check the accuracy of the data.

-BTH no longer needs the information, but the person requests that we continue to store them because they need them to take legal action.

-If the person objects to the processing by BTH. The treatment is limited in that case until a consideration has been made of the reasons for the objection and BTH’s legal obligations.

-If the person believes that BTH should delete personal data, but the University cannot do this for some reason