About the website

About the website

Primary responsibility for this website lies with the Communications Office, and the Head of Communications has ultimately responsibility for the site.

Accessibility report for the website

Suggestions for improvements

We are happy to receive feedback and suggestions on how we can make bth.se even better. Please send your comments to externwebb@bth.se.

However, for questions about specific content on the website, you can usually get the best response by directly contacting the person responsible for the page. You can do this via the link “Responsible for this page” located at the bottom of each webpage. You can also contact the editor of the part of the website to which your comments relate.

Problems on the website?

Please communicate any questions about www.bth.se and any problem reports by sending an e-mail to  externwebb@bth.se; do not contact individuals. That way we will have the best opportunity to follow up on the problems.

In order to address any issues as quickly as possible, your letter should contain the following:

  • The address of the page that contains errors or problems
  • Your name and contact details, if you would like to receive feedback back from us
  • Which operating system and browser you are using; if possible, please also include the version number
  • As clear and detailed a description of the problem as possible

Copyrighted material on the website

All material (images, text, audio and moving media, etc.) on bth.se is protected by law. Material may only be re-published by agreement. By law, when using, e.g., content such as citations and links, bth.se should be indicated as the source.

Security issues

Contact externwebb@bth.se to report data breaches, inappropriate www-pages, improper online use, etc.


BTH’s web server is located in Sweden. We always strive to store personal data within Sweden’s borders. However, in certain situations they may be processed inside the EU/EEA by a third party such as a technology provider or subcontractor. We will always take all reasonable legal, technical and organisational measures to ensure that your information is handled at the level of protection as is provided within the EU/EEA.


A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the visitor’s computer and contains information. Cookies are normally used to improve the website for the user. There are two types of cookies: One type saves a file that remains on the visitor’s computer. These cookies are used, e.g., to be able to customise a website according to the visitor’s wishes, choices and interests. The second type is called session cookie. While a visitor is on a website, this cookie is temporarily stored in the memory of the visitor’s computer. Session cookies disappear when you turn off your browser application. If you do not consent to the use of cookies, you can turn off cookies in your browser’s security settings. You can also set up your browser so that you get a warning every time a website tries to place a cookie on your computer.

Analysis tools for web statistics

BTH uses the Matomo and Monsido services to produce web statistics. These services use cookies to collect information about how visitors use our website, where they come from, and so on. All data are anonymised prior to transfer, and no information can be traceable to a specific user.

Embedded movies

When we embed videos from third-party services such as YouTube on our pages, these services also store a cookie on your computer.

Search function

In the search box in the upper right corner of the website, you can of course search the pages and documents on the site, but you can also search for people and departments.