Sending electronic invoice to Blekinge Institute of Technology

Sending electronic invoice to Blekinge Institute of Technology

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) uses the Swedish National Government Service Centre’s e‐commerce service in Visma Proceedo with system provider Visma Commerce. This information is for our suppliers who need to start sending electronic invoices to BTH. An electronic invoice is an invoice that is both created and transmitted in a structured electronic format. An electronic invoice is thus NOT an invoice in PDF sent via e‐mail.

According to regulation 2003:770, all Swedish authorities must be able to send and receive electronic invoices through the PEPPOL network by the first of November 2018. Also, the Act (2018: 1277) on electronic invoices as a result of public procurement will come into force on April 1st, 2019. From then on, in a procurement, BTH will require invoices only in the PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 format.

Those who can already send e-invoices


BTH can receive invoices through the PEPPOL network. Check with your supplier of financial system or billing system if they can send invoices through the PEPPOL network. If your financial system does not support PEPPOL, there are several other solutions on the market to join PEPPOL (

Our PEPPOL-ID is: 2021004011.
Our GLN-number is: 7340093208215.

The format that BTH can receive in the PEPPOL network is PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (invoice and credit note).

Those who cannot send e-invoices already

  1. If you have a business system

It is often possible to create e-invoices through existing business systems/financial systems. Check with your system supplier. Billing services can also be purchased through various companies to achieve the same result, as well as the installation of so-called virtual invoice printers. See the section above for information about which formats are accepted by BTH and means of communication.

  1. If you do not have a business system or are not already connected to a e-billing service:

If none of the above alternatives fit you, it is possible to join Visma Proceedo Supplier Center free of charge in order to send e-invoice in an easy way. This solution mainly fits smaller suppliers who send few invoices. If you wish to receive an invite to Visma Proceedo Supplier Center, contact us at and we will send you an invitation.

Those who already have access to Visma Proceedo Supplier Center

BTH is located as recipient in the supplier center under “Statens Servicecenter” -> “Blekinge Tekniska Högskola”.

Invoice address

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
SE-371 79 Karlskrona

Scanning address

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
SE-831 90 Östersund


If you have any questions, please contact