Decision-making bodies

Decision-making bodies

You will find a list of the decision-making bodies at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) below.

The Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the highest decision-making body at BTH. The Board supervises all areas of BTH and must ensure that the university fulfils its duties.

The Board comprises the vice-chancellor, eight general representatives appointed by the Swedish Government, of whom one is the chairperson. In addition, there are three representatives from the organisation and three student representatives.

The Recruitment Committee

The university must have a recruitment committee that oversees the preparation of teaching appointments requiring scientific, artistic or the equivalent professional skills. The committee must include the head of human resources, deputy vice-chancellor for matters related to first-cycle studies, deans, a teaching staff representative and a student representative. The committee appoints its own chairperson.

If the Recruitment Committee will be taking decisions related to employment and promotions as listed below, it must be supplemented with the head of department and a member of teaching staff who is a scientific expert from the relevant department.

The Recruitment Committee takes decisions on the following matters:
• determining the subject area for a teaching appointment and the qualifications required
• appointing subject specialists in conjunction with professorships, adjunct professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers, principal lecturers, lecturers, adjunct senior lecturers/lecturers, and teaching staff within the arts.
• providing the vice-chancellor with suggestions for appointing subject specialists in conjunction with professorships, adjunct professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers, principal lecturers, lecturers, adjunct senior lecturers/lecturers, and teaching staff within the arts.
• providing the vice-chancellor with proposals for associate professors to be promoted to professor, senior lecturer to professor, senior lecturer to associate professor, lecturer to principal lecturer and lecturer to senior lecturer, and appoint subject specialists in conjunction with this.
• suggesting that the vice-chancellor terminates ongoing recruitment of professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers, postdocs, principal lecturers, lecturers and teaching staff within the arts.
• appointing docents and subject specialists in conjunction with this.

The Recruitment Committee oversees the appointment of honorary doctors.

The Disciplinary Board

Chapter 10, Section 3 of the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) stipulates that cases involving disciplinary measures must be dealt with by a disciplinary board. Every higher education institution must have a board of this kind.

The Disciplinary Board must consist of the vice-chancellor as chair, a legally qualified member who must hold or have held tenure as a judge, and a representative of the teaching staff at the higher education institution. The students at the higher education institution must be entitled to representation on the board by two members.

Staff Disciplinary Board

The composition and tasks of the Staff Disciplinary Board are regulated in the Swedish Government Agency Ordinance.

The Staff Disciplinary Board comprises the vice-chancellor who acts as the chairperson, two members – both of whom must be employed for an indefinite period at BTH – and a staff representative from each of the central organisations OFR and SACO.