Gender mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming

BTH is working to ensure gender mainstreaming permeates the entire organisation.

The Swedish Government has tasked all higher education institutions and many other public authorities to work with gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming involves pursuing and developing processes to increase gender equality, while looking at how gender aspects can be integrated into operations and activities.

Gender equality targets

There are three organisational planning headings at BTH – Education, Research and Organisational Conditions. The areas where there is a need for development within gender equality have been placed under these headings as part of the work to integrate gender equality into the everyday activities at BTH.

Gender equality objectives have been formulated and indicators established for each heading. The work towards gender equality is to be planned, documented and followed-up immediately in the regular organisational planning and comprehensively in the Gender Equality Plan.


Gender Equality Plan

The Gender Equality Plan describes annual efforts for meeting the targets within prioritised areas related to gender equality stipulated in BTH’s action plan.

The work in the Gender Equality Plan builds on that of the previous year, as well as a gap analysis of the desired outcome and current situation. The gender equality coordinator will hold a dialogue with representatives from around the university and the student union and compile the work in the plan. This will then be presented to the Council for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities, followed by the management group. The vice-chancellor approves the plan.

BTH Gender Equality Plan 2024