Sustainable development

Sustainable development

BTH works to contribute to sustainable societal development in many ways. On this page you can read more about this work.

BTH is tasked with contributing to sustainable societal development. It must stimulate active participation in social questions and spread knowledge through education, research and innovation. BTH is to be run efficiently and with the environment in mind. As part of our work with sustainability, BTH works systematically with an environmental management system that permeates the our activities and operations.


The sustainable development policy, environmental review and environmental and sustainability goals form the basis of the documentation and/or processes that govern the organisation of the environmental management system and its related procedures.

The Board of Governors approves the sustainable development policy that establishes the overall direction of the BTH’s systematic environmental and sustainability work.

Governing documents included in BTH’s environmental management system are approved by the Vice-Chancellor and BTH’s sustainability coordinator has the operative responsibility for our environmental management system. The coordinator for systematic work environment management and gender mainstreaming at BTH has the operational responsibility for the social aspects of sustainable development.