Environmental management system

BTH’s environmental management system

BTH’s environmental management system forms a structure and includes the goals, responsibilities and routines needed for a systematic sustainability work. The environmental management system is part of the annual assessment of strategic initiatives to be gathered into BTH’s action plan for the coming year.

Aim and objectives

The aim of BTH’s environmental management system is to work with measures for sustainable development in a systematic and strategic way, which means that the business should contribute to society’s transition to sustainability that strengthens its own organization.

The system shall ensure that BTH fulfills the requirements and goals stated in national regulations and recommendations and that the university’s own environmental and sustainability goals are achieved.

The objective of BTH’s environmental management system is to create systematic sustainability work to continuously improve measurable results and increase the positive effects of the university’s measures. In this way, BTH can contribute to Agenda 2030 and the Swedish environmental goals.

The environmental management system is designed with the aim of systematically working with measures in all dimensions of sustainable development: ecological, social and economic sustainability.

The environmental management system covers all of BTH’s activities: education, research and the conditions for the business.

Organization and responsibilities

The documents and/or processes that govern the organization and responsibility of the environmental management system consist of the policy for sustainable development, the environmental review and the environmental and sustainability goals, as well as related routines.

The policy for sustainable development is decided by the Board of Governors, which determines the overall focus of the university’s systematic environmental and sustainability work.

Steering documents within BTH’s environmental management system are decided by the Vice-Chancellor. The operational responsibility for the university’s environmental management system is delegated to the university’s sustainability coordinator and operational responsibility for social aspects of sustainable development is delegated to coordinators for the systematic work environment management and for gender mainstreaming.