Sustainable development policy

Sustainable development policy

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) has the vision to create a better world through knowledge, competence and innovation in digitalization and sustainability with the mission to promote sustainable development in its operations, meaning that current and future generations are ensured a healthy and good environment, economic and social welfare and justice.

    • BTH will therefore work strategically with continuous improvements and through systematic work for sustainable development.
    • Give the students knowledge and understanding of how they can contribute to sustainable development in their future professions as well as the conditions to develop evaluation ability and approaches to sustainable development.
    • Have high societal relevance in the university’s research, and thus develop knowledge and skills in support of sustainable development.
    • Be an example in the university’s own operations, with high ambitions regarding, for example, energy use, purchasing, travel, and a work environment for staff and students characterized by trust, meaning and diversity.
    • Promote work with work environment and gender equality both as own issues and as part of sustainable development.
    • Ensure that legal requirements for environmental management and other requirements to which the business is subject are met.

The goals and division of responsibilities for the systematic work for sustainable development are specified in more detail in the university’s environmental management system, which is decided by the Vice-Chancellor.