Vision and Strategy

Vision and Strategy

The Board of Governors has decided on a new vision and strategy for BTH during the period 2021-2025.

Below you can find extracts from the document as well as the complete document.


BTH's vision

A better world through knowledge, expertise and innovation in digitalisation and sustainability.

BTH is a knowledge-driven organisation centred on use and application, and as such we are a driving force in the transition to a sustainable and more digital society.


Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, has a national mission to contribute knowledge, expertise and innovation, and our organisation is characterised to a high degree by internationalisation. BTH conducts education and research in fields in which society has major needs. We are driven by application and external engagement and, through our national and international collaborations, we contribute to developing Blekinge as a region of knowledge and growth.

Our profile is digitalisation and sustainability

We work for digitalisation by:

  • Developing and transmitting knowledge about technologies, processes and methods that enable a digital society.
  • Developing and transmitting knowledge about how digitalisation and its consequences can contribute to a better and more sustainable society.
  • Developing our organisation and our support using new digital technologies and associated working methods.

We work for sustainability by:

  • Providing students with knowledge and understanding of how they can contribute to sustainable development in their future professions and giving them the conditions to develop their ability to evaluate and address sustainable development issues.
  • Maintaining high societal relevance in our research, thereby developing knowledge and expertise to support sustainable development.
  • Being an example in our own operations, with high ambitions on issues such as energy use, purchasing, travel, and a work environment for staff and students characterised by trust, meaning and diversity.

Vision and strategy

Objectives and strategic choices

Below some of our objectives and strategic choices are presented, in education, in  research and in operational prerequisites.


BTH offers profession-oriented study programmes within the disciplinary fields of engineering and health. The study programmes are of high quality, student-centred and linked to research, and intended for both national and international students. With a degree from BTH, students create conditions for society’s development in digitalisation and sustainability. Their specific disciplinary knowledge combines with generic abilities to meet the current and future skills requirements of employers.

Research and PhD studies

BTH conducts research focused on digitalisation and sustainability. There is a strong link between research, education and BTH’s collaboration with companies, public authorities and other societal stakeholders. The objective is to solve society’s challenges, and the three tasks provide mutually beneficial conditions for achieving this.

Operational prerequisites

To enable BTH to conduct high-quality first, second and third cycle education as well as research in the best possible way requires staff with the right expertise, relevant support functions in various fields, an adaptation of the infrastructure and a good work environment with a positive working atmosphere. The organisation’s needs and the demands placed on us as a well-run and financially sound public authority are to govern our prioritisations.