Moving to Sweden

Welcome to us in Sweden

Are you planning to move to Sweden? Congratulations, this country is rich in beautiful nature, offers great work and living conditions and is the home of very happy people!

If you got a job offer from Blekinge Institute of Technology, the Human Resources Office will be happy to help you finding all information on relocation, work permits and is answering your questions.

For a first impression and overview, we recommend you to visit the website “Working in Sweden”. This portal is for anyone who is about to move to or is new in Sweden and wants to find information about Swedish society quickly and easily.

You may find important information and help via “Official Swedish services”. This webpage is created by official authorities and made for people who are about to move to Sweden. You can even get help by creating a personal guide with checklists.

Swedish Tax agency (Skatteverket)
The Swedish Tax Agency manages civil registration of private individuals and collects taxes such as personal income tax, corporate tax, VAT and excise tax.

Living or working in Sweden often means registering and paying taxes on salary and other income. If you live in Sweden you are liable to pay income tax on all incomes.

On the Swedish Tax Agencies website you can read more about moving, living or working in Sweden.

The Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket)
The Migration Agency is the authority which considers applications from people who want to visit, live in or seek asylum in Sweden, or who want to become Swedish citizens.

Working in Sweden
In order to work in Sweden, you must have a work permit. Read more about how to apply for a work permit or for a residence permit as a self-employed person or a visiting researcher.

Studying in Sweden
In order to study in Sweden, you must have a residence permit. Read more about how to apply for a permit for studies or to work as a doctoral student.

Social insurance system (Försäkringskassan)
When you work in Sweden, your employer is required to pay social security contributions for the work you perform here. This means that you are covered by the Swedish social insurance system, which entitles you to benefits, for example in case of sickness.

More information may be found at Försäkringskassans website.

Personal injury insurance for doctoral students and employees
All registered doctoral students and employees at BTH are covered by personal injury insurance during study/work hours and when travelling directly between the place of residence and the place where study/work hours are spent.

For university employees there is also a complementary personal injury insurance called PSA (Personal Injury Agreement, personskadeavtal). The insurance company AFA pays compensation under the PSA for loss of income, expenses, and physical and mental suffering.

Open a bank account 

Opening a bank account varies greatly from country to country and can be challenging. We want to make it a little easier for you and have put together a brochure with important information, just click here and take a look at our guide: BTH_how to open a bank account

If your stay in Sweden is more than 6 month we recommend you to open a bank account.

Documents that the bank may ask for:

  • Valid passport (if you stay less than 1 year)
  • Swedish ID-card (mandatory if you stay more than 1 year, application is made via the Swedish Tax Agency)
  • Certificate of employment
  • Details of address in Sweden
  • Coordination number or a Swedish personal identity number (application is made via the Swedish Tax Agency)

When you open a bank account you can get a debit card and Internet- and Telephone- services linked to your account (mobilt bank-ID). The cheapest way to pay bills is through the banks’ payment services, which are available online. Five Swedish banks have offices in Karlskrona and Karlshamn:

In Sweden there are different types of housing. You can rent or buy a flat. You can rent or buy a house. More information about accommodation in Karlskrona is available at Karlskrona municipality website.  Please contact our the Human Resources Office to get directions and help.

Childcare and school

Childcare is a collective name for educational activities for younger children. Childcare encompasses such activities as preschools, family day nurseries and after-school recreation centres. Children can be there while their parents are working or studying.

There is municipal childcare in all municipalities. There are also independent and private childcare facilities that are run by companies or organizations. Children aged between one and five have a right to attend preschool or family day nursery. If you are a job-seeker or taking parental leave with younger siblings, the older child has a right to about three hours of childcare per day, or 15 hours per week.

Karlskrona municipality has a well-developed early childhood education for children aged 1-5 years. Read more on Karlskrona municipality website.

School attendance is compulsory in Sweden. It applies to nine-year comprehensive school, and means that you have a right to education there. It also means that you have to participate in what the school organizes

All children, between the ages of 6-15, are given a place in a nearby school, known as home school, but you as a parent can search for a place at another school. Read more about school in Karlskrona on the Karlskrona municipality’s website.

Since 2019 Karlskrona has an international primary school. The primary school will follow an international curriculum and all teaching will be conducted in English. Read more about the IB school here.

Medical care
In general, Sweden’s health and medical care holds to a high standard. All residents – or individuals with a personal identity number – will be subsidized by the state when receiving health and medical care, regardless of whether it is a visit to a doctor or a dentist.

Read more about the healthcare system in Sweden here.