Work environment, employee benefits and support

Work environment

Creative and stimulating academic research and education require a good work and study environment. All those working or studying at Blekinge Institute of Technology are entitled to a positive and sustainable work and study environment that fosters development and is stimulating, safe and secure.

BTH’s systematic work environment management is to be a natural, integrated part of activities and conducted as a collaboration between managers, staff and students with opportunities for influence and participation, so as to continuously improve the work and study environment. Both the design of the work and study locations and their outdoor surroundings are of major significance for a positive work and study environment.

The work and study environment is to be designed to prevent ill health and accidents and to create the conditions for job satisfaction, participation, influence, quality and efficiency. A good work and study environment requires everyone to contribute and is characterised by the
organisation’s goals and strategies are familiar to all, and the organisation is permeated by clear and inclusive leadership.

A good work and study environment is of strategic significance for the activities and development opportunities of Blekinge Institute of Technology.
All employees and students at Blekinge Institute of Technology are to contribute to a gender-equal, fair, respectful, inclusive and quality-enhancing atmosphere and are to work towards a good physical, organisational and social work and study environment.

The work and study environment is to promote equal rights and opportunities for all employees and students regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age. Within the higher education institution, there shall be zero tolerance for discrimination, victimisation, threats, violence, harassment and sexual harassment.

Working at BTH

Work Hours:

Teachers have annual working hours regulated by Collective Agreements/Collective Agreements-T.

Technical/Administrative (T/A-) staff have the right to flexible working hours if the nature of the work allows. Flexible working hours involve the opportunity to regulate regular working hours during the workday within certain time frames and limitation

Remote Work:

BTH aims to contribute to increased flexibility for employees by offering the possibility to, to some extent, perform work outside the regular workplace, as long as it is feasible based on the organization’s needs. This facilitates the ability for everyone to balance work and personal life sustainably in the long run.

Reduced Working Hours:

On several days throughout the year, working hours are shortened for technical/administrative staff. In years when National Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, an additional day off is granted.

Individual Salary Setting:

At BTH, there is individual salary setting, with the exception of doctoral candidates who have a so-called salary ladder. Salary setting should be guided by the nature of the work, the skills of the employees, and market sensitivity.

Salary Exchange:

At BTH, you have the opportunity to exchange salary for pension, meaning you can forgo salary to instead have contributions made to your pension plan.


All employees have the right to rest and recreation during a longer consecutive period throughout the year. As a newly hired employee, you are entitled to paid vacation from the first year. Below, you can see the number of vacation days you have as an employee at BTH:

  • 28 days until the year you turn 29.
  • 31 days from the year you turn 30.
  • 35 days from the year you turn 40.
  • BTH also pays out vacation supplements consisting of at least 0.44 percent for each paid vacation day, based on the employee’s current monthly salary at the time of the vacation.

Unique Campus Environment:

Both BTH campuses are located by the sea, and as an employee, you have the fantastic opportunity to swim from the campus pier. All BTH employees are offered coffee/tea and fruit every day.

Research Benefits

Substantial research and teaching benefits

The research and teaching benefits can be used to pay for trips, books, equipment, and other work-related expenses. BTH supports education excellence by offering teachers ranked high by the students a benefit for their performance.

BTH works continuously to create an attractive environment for researchers and is involved in the EURAXESS network as well as welcoming the European Commission’s initiative to ensure a supportive research environment for researchers and teachers.

Read more about the support for researchers and our EURAXESS welcome center here.

Support for an active lifestyle and health

BTH invests significantly in keeping its staff healthy and encourages all employees to participate in various activities that promote physical and mental health. Our two campuses are located by the sea and we encourage all employees to use this beautiful surrounding for all kinds of sports and outdoor activities, for example, volleyball, swimming, stand-up paddling, running etc.:

  • Annual health allowance, currently 3,000 SEK, which can be used to pay for e.g. a gym membership or massages.
  • A gym for all employees: Join spinning/indoor cycling sessions or guided workout sessions or follow your own exercise routines.
  • Free bikes to borrow: Lunch break and sunny weather? Borrow a bike and have a nice ride through the town or along the seaside.
  • Health half-hour.
  • Group workouts: spinning, strength stations, and strength/conditioning sessions.
  • Free access to the gym.
  • Outdoor gym and beautiful jogging trails by the sea.
  • Access to massage therapists and physiotherapists on our campuses.
  • Tips for break exercises.
  • Loan of a desk bicycle and bicycles
  • Annual health events.
  • SUP (Stand-Up Paddleboarding) and kayak lending.

All our employees at BTH have access to free coffee, tea and fruits in our break rooms at BTH.

The university reimburses some healthcare and medicine costs such as a percentage of hospital care and medicinal costs that are prescription-only and that are covered by the high-cost protection.

Computer Screen Glasses:

You receive an examination and computer screen glasses if needed for your work.

Extra Sick Allowance: BTH pays 80 percent of your salary from day 2 to 14 of the sick period. The Social Insurance Agency covers your compensation from day 15 of the sick period. BTH supplements the compensation you receive from the Social Insurance Agency.

Leave without Salary Deduction: As an employee, you are entitled to leave without salary deduction for:

  • Medical appointments and visits to dentists, blood donation, maternity care, or occupational health care.
  • Family matters (serious illness, death, funeral, estate inventory – maximum of 10 days per year).
  • Relocation (1 day per year).

Occupational Health Care:

BTH has an agreement with the occupational health care provider Feelgood. As an employee, you can contact occupational health care on your own initiative to receive work-related medical, psychological, and ergonomic advice, both through telephone counseling and visits (including online visits). This applies to work-related ill-health related to issues caused by work, worsened, or potentially related to work.

Feelgood’s occupational health care includes various professional groups such as company doctors, company nurses, physiotherapists/ergonomists, psychologists, and occupational safety engineers who can offer various services free of charge, including counseling, coaching sessions, CBT, individual assessments, and evaluations for BTH employees.

Parental Leave

BTH offers a parental benefit supplement of 10% of the salary for those who take parental leave. Read more about parental leave and benefits at the Swedish social insurance system “Försäkringskassan”.


As a Swedish University, BTH is paying another part of your pension called “tjänstepension” (occupational pension)

In addition to your general pension that you receive from the state through the Swedish Pensions Agency, BTH pays premiums every month during your period of employment to the Swedish Occupational Pensions Agency. You may learn more about occupational pension here. Please note that the page is in Swedish.

There are many more benefits available that can be used e.g. for course literature, insurance for occupational injury, Eurocard, discount on IT equipment, and benefits for public transportation. Contact us if you like to learn more.