HR Excellence in Research Award

HR Excellence in Research Award

The HR Excellence Award is given to institutions that adhere to the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The EU Commission’s charter and guidelines for researchers consist of 40 principles aimed at:

  • improving the conditions for free research
  • promoting an open job market for researchers
  • fostering access to and exchange of knowledge.

For you as a researcher at BTH or perhaps aspiring to become a researcher here, this means that you can be confident that the charter is followed in the following areas:

  • ethical principles and professional responsibility
  • recruitment working conditions research
  • education, competence,
  • and career development.

HRS4R process

The institutions working to establish and develop the charter follow a strategy known as the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), and the process unfolds as follows:

What is the European Charter for Researchers?

The European Charter for Researchers establishes principles and requirements defining the roles of researchers and their employers or funders. Its goal is to foster a conducive relationship for successful knowledge generation, transfer, and career development. Recognising the value of mobility, the Charter serves as a framework, encouraging responsible and professional behavior among researchers, employers, and funders. Applicable to all career stages and research fields in the EU, it considers diverse roles, including research, development, supervision, and administrative tasks, irrespective of appointment nature or organisational type.

Read more about the EU Charter and Guidelines for Researchers at

Why do BTH want to implement these principles?

There are a range of benefits for researchers and organisations that have the Award. For example, it can add value to funding applications to demonstrate a commitment to good working conditions and career development for researchers. It can also be used to promote this commitment to researchers who might be considering moving to an institution.

By obtaining the award, researchers considering BTH will have the following reasons for choosing us as an employer:

  • For a better work environment with open, transparent, and competence-based recruitment and assessment procedures in the hiring and career development of researchers.
  • Contributes to our credibility and trustworthiness as an employer.
  • Systematic development, implementation, and incorporation of the European Commission’s guidelines into BTH’s personnel policies.
  • Enhances our international visibility, bolsters our employer branding, and makes us more competitive in attracting talented researchers across all levels (R1-R4).
  • Improves our chances of securing research funding from the European Union.
  • Simplifies EU applications, such as MRCA applications.

Learn more about BTH´s HRS4R´s process here: HRS4R´s process at BTH.

To stay updated on BTH HRS4R project, please follow our project blog: BTH HRS4R projectblog.