Employee interview Ljubica Atanasova Stojanovski

Meet our employees: Ljubica Atanasova Stojanovski

In my position at BTH I have the freedom to try new things, to implement new ideas, make improvements and openly ask when I do need help, which also means learning by doing.

Personal development and a good working environment were always very important to me when choosing my employer.

Ljubica Atanasova Stojanovski, Department Coordinator at the Department of Computer Science

My name is Ljubica and I am from Macedonia. I graduated in economy and management and back home, I worked in the private financial sector for over 7 years.

Sweden and Karlskrona became my home in 2016. After additional education, temporary contract and taking some time to learn the Swedish language I joined BTH in 2019 as a Coordinator at the Department of Computer Science, where I work today.

Being part of the educational system always gives one the opportunity to learn and grow continuously.

BTH is an organization were everyone’s opinion matters. We all bring different perception and experiences from all over the world. If you do not receive a feedback from your manager or your colleagues – just ask for it. Here we are not afraid to ask when we do not know something, and people like to share their knowledge and experiences.

At BTH I have got great colleagues and work environment, wonderful surroundings where we spend quality time during our lunch breaks. My Swedish I developed over time and all the exceptional people I met are something I am proud of. I feel like it can be difficult to develop friendships with locals, but it is not impossible! Although, it takes some time.

Karlskrona is an archipelago paradise with so many islands and beautiful nature that offers you a great potential for many outdoor activities and work-life balance. Moving to Karlskrona as a student or an employee gives you an opportunity to be part of both, an international, but also a very local community.