Top-reasons to work at BTH

Top-reasons to work at BTH

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, has a national mission to contribute knowledge, competence and innovation. And our organisation is characterised to a high degree by internationalisation.

BTH is a clearly profiled university with a clear focus on digitisation and sustainability. Technology-related research and development is prioritised and receives significant attention and support. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable social development through higher education, research and innovation.

We conduct world-leading research, and in software engineering and strategic sustainable development, we are world class. Our research accounts for a third of BTH’s activities, and we aim to increase this proportion further. Read more about our research here.

BTH is characterised by closeness and flexibility with short distances between management, teachers and students, which allows us to act quickly when needed. Our strength lies in our employees and students. Together we create an inviting and inspiring learning and work environment characterised by openness, curiosity and respect.

BTH offers an attractive, sustainable and safe work environment. As a government authority, we can give our employees more benefits and support than the standard otherwise common for other Swedish employers. Our systematic work environment ensures a sustainable workplace for all staff. We are also an international university where diversity plays an important role, and our students, teachers, researchers, and employees come from all over the world. Read about our work environment.

We collaborate with society and are a driving actor both regionally and nationally. The close collaboration with society and local businesses pervades our education and research on a regional, national and international level. Read more about our collaborations here.

BTH has strong external ties and many strategic partners, e.g. Ericsson, Volvo, Telenor, NKT and the Lindén Group, but also a number of public authorities and organisations.

We are located in the middle of the archipelago. Our campuses are located by the sea and offer a nice balance between work and leisure – and here, you can pursue a career and at the same time enjoy relaxing archipelago environments that Unesco has designated as one of seven biosphere reserves in Sweden.