Praktik på Nonagon Festival 2024

Nonagon är en audiovisuell festival på ön Svanö utanför Kramfors. Nonagon riktar in sig på den experimentella och alternativa scenen och är en årlig festival som arbetar med audiovisuella uttryck.


Sista datum för anmälning: 2024-06-28

Företagsnamn: Nonagon Festival

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Utbildningsnivå: Kandidat Magister/Master

Utbildningsområde: Civilingenjörsutbildningar Datavetenskap och mjukvaruutveckling Digitala medier och spelteknik Fysisk planering Hälsa och vård Industriell ekonomi Maskinteknik Strategiskt ledarskap för hållbarhet Telekommunikation

Nonagon festival presents an internship opportunity for practitioners to learn about light and projection design and technology. The trainee program is a place for students to network and learn in a professional context.

During the festival week, the interns will have workshops with professional light designers where the result of their workshops will be a part of the festival area’s lighting. The interns will also create their own visual work consisting of light & video projections as part of the festival’s visual expression.

The internship program will focus around three workshops:
1. Audiovisual Expressions with Andrew Fraser Scott – To write with water: learn about live visuals,
synaesthetic design and how to create an audiovisual object as liquid form.

2. Artistic light installation and area lighting with Kristina Edlund – learn about pixel mapping and
programming ApeStick LED tubes.

3. Stage lighting and DMX programming with Tanja Jörgensen – crash course and the fundamentals
in stage lighting.

Before the festival, the students get to brainstorm ideas with a mentor who is one of the five Nonagon
founders. They will also get to participate in an introductory workshop with Andrew Fraser Scott in Stockholm (during week 28, possibility to participate online if you can’t travel). During the festival, they will have a supervisor who they can always go to with questions and for support.

During their internship the interns must document their work in any way they choose and then have a final evaluation with Nonagon.

The interns are expected to be on-site at the festival no later than Wednesday morning before the festival.
Nonagon offers transport to and from Kramfors, more info TBA.
Everyone is offered accommodation in Folkets Hus, where there is a shared dormitory with access to a
kitchen, toilet and shower. Bring a mattress, sleeping bag and pillow. There’s also a camping area if you prefer to bring your own tent. Other things to bring: water bottle, work gloves, comfy shoes. swimwear and towel, sunscreen, DEET/myggmedel 🙂

If you’re interested in an internship at Nonagon please get in touch through email: Tell us a bit about yourself, your passions or interests! It could be a CV,
portfolio, or other. Looking forward to hearing from you!
