

For students subject to tuition fees a number of scholarship possibilities are available.

BTH Scholarships

For the academic year 2024/2025 BTH will offer two scholarship programmes:

  1. BTH scholarship programme for prospective students
  2. BTH scholarship programme for current students.

The scholarships will cover your tuition fee in part, and do not cover your living expenses.

Make sure to read our local terms and conditions for tuition fees and scholarships at BTH here: General information

All questions regarding BTH scholarships should be addressed to

Swedish Institute Scholarships

The Swedish Institute (SI), a government agency,  promotes interest and trust in Sweden around the world. SI offers a range of scholarships for students from countries outside the EU/EEA area. Depending on your nationality and field of study, the scholarships may apply to you. The SI scholarship for Global Professionals cover both tuition fee and living expenses to the amount of 12,000 SEK per month for studies at master’s level. A travel grant is also issued to the recipient. The scholarship application period is from February 12th to 28th, 2024.

Please note that you must have submitted an application for a master’s programme in Sweden at before applying for the scholarship. Read about the SI scholarship for Global Professionals here.

In order to get more information about the Swedish Institute scholarships, funds and grants please visit Swedish Institute. These scholarships have different deadlines, so check the dates carefully.


Other Scholarships

Remember to look for scholarship opportunities from your Government or from other sources in your country.

1. BTH scholarship programme for prospective students

BTH scholarship programme for prospective students is available for citizens from non-EU/EEA countries who are required to pay tuition fees for Swedish university education. Applicants to distance education at BTH are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

This scholarship programme offers scholarships covering tuition fees in part. The level of tuition fee reduction is normally 50%. No more than one scholarship from this programme can be awarded to one person for the same education. The scholarships are granted based on academic excellence. Priority is given to applicants with the BTH study programme as their first choice.

Applicants are first ranked within each study programme. In the next step, scholarship recipients are selected considering this ranking and the number of eligible scholarship applicants each study programme has. Thus, study programmes with a larger number of eligible applicants will obtain more scholarships than programmes with fewer applicants.

How to apply

You apply for a BTH scholarship after you have applied for a BTH campus based programme or freestanding course on

The application  will only be considered if you are a tuition fee paying student and the application fee has been paid. If you are a tuition fee paying student exempted from paying the application fee, your scholarship application will also be considered.

Log in on our Tuition fee and Scholarship portal to apply for a scholarship.

Reply to your offer

If you are awarded a BTH scholarship it is important that you reply to the offer on time, or you will lose the scholarship. You do also need to pay the remaining of the tuition fee no later than the deadline that can be found in your BTH tuition fee account in order to keep your scholarship.

2. BTH scholarship programme for current students

BTH will award a number of scholarships corresponding to partial reduction of the tuition fee to students with excellent academic performance during the first part of their studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology.

In order to be eligible to apply for this BTH scholarship you have to be registered as a student on campus based programme at BTH, and studied at least one term on this programme. You also have to be required to pay tuition fee for the remaining part of your programme.

This scholarship is granted on the basis of academic performance at BTH and if needed to distinguish, previous academic education results can be considered. The scholarship will not be paid directly to students; instead it will reduce the tuition fee for the remaining terms of the programme.

How to apply

Log in on the Tuition fee and Scholarship portal to apply for a scholarship.

Key dates for BTH scholarships

Scholarships for studies starting Autumn 2024

16 October 2023: Application round for BTH scholarship for new students starting autumn 2024 opens.

15 January 2024: application round for BTH scholarship for new students starting autumn 2024 closes.

1 February 2024: Deadline for receipt of application fee. When the application fee has been paid, the evaluation of the scholarship applications will start.

March 2024: Notification of scholarship selection results.

10 April 2024: Last day to reply to the scholarship offer in application round for prospective students.


Scholarships for current students Autumn 2024

2 May 2024: BTH scholarship application round for current students opens.

30 May 2024: BTH scholarship application round for current students closes.

Granted scholarships

Students that have been granted the BTH Scholarship for prospective students starting autumn 2024 have been notified via Universityadmissions and via email.

BTH follows the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, in Swedish Dataskyddsförordningen). For information on your rights as registered in this list and how to contact the university go to the following link.

Make sure to read our local terms and conditions for tuition fees and scholarships at BTH here: General information


The following are frequently asked questions, and answers, concerning the scholarships offered by BTH. All details regarding the scholarship process for scholarships offered by the Swedish Institute can be found on

BTH scholarship covers only the tuition fee in part. Note that this scholarship does NOT cover your living expenses.

You are eligible to apply for a BTH scholarship if you are:

  • applying for a BTH campus based programme or single subject course
  • you are required to pay a tuition fee

You are not eligible to apply for BTH scholarship if you are exempted of paying the tuition fee. If you have not applied for a programme at BTH.

No, the application fee must be paid in time in order to be considered for a BTH scholarship.

You will receive a message on your Notification of Selection results from Also, the results will be shown on the BTH Scholarship web page or communicated by email.

If you do not meet the entry requirements to the programme you have applied for you do not qualify for a BTH scholarship.

If you have not submitted documents on time ie. before the deadline, to get your academic records registered your academic records cannot be assessed on time, and you do therefore not qualify for a BTH scholarship.

If you for example have not paid the application fee on time, your  BTH scholarship application will not be considered and therefore invalid.

If you have applied for a BTH scholarship for prospective students, and you already are a registered student at BTH, your application is invalid. Unless you are a registered Bachelor student at BTH applying for a Master programme at BTH.

If you have not applied for a programme at BTH, your application is invalid.

The scholarship is awarded as tuition reduction. E.g. if you are awarded a 50% scholarship, you will only have to pay 50 % of your tuition fee.

Since the tuition fee must be paid in advance of each term, the tuition reduction will be calculated for each instalment. The requisition for the remaining tuition fee is issued before the start of your next term.

You will find information on how to pay your tuition fee if you log in to your BTH tuition fee account.

Anyone can pay your tuition fee for you  – a family member, a friend, a sponsor. The important thing to remember is that they need to include your verification number on the payment so we know who the payment concerns. You find the verification number at your BTH tuition fee account.

Once our financial department has received payment information from our bank we cross-check your verification number on your payment. Your payment will then be registered for you to see in your BTH tuition fee account.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On 25 May, 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, in Swedish Dataskyddsförordningen) replaced the Swedish Personal Data Act (PuL 1998:204). 

The General Data Protection Regulations outline how personal data is to be processed by European Union member states. These regulations pertain to you and the information you provide to Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH).

Your personal integrity is important to us at Blekinge Institute of Technology. It is therefore important to us that processing of personal information is done in a correct and safe manner in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The university follows the general data protection regulation, more commonly known as GDPR.

What personal information do we process and why?

The university only process your personal information in order to fulfill our mission of education, research, collaboration with the surrounding community, and informing about our activities. We also process personal information to comply with laws and regulations.

How do we protect your information?

The university undertakes legal, technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access and other illegal treatment, as well as against loss, destruction or damage. These measures aim at ensuring adequate protection of personal information, considering the risk of processing the information.

The rights of data subjects

As someone who has or will submit data to the BTH, you have the following rights:

Right to be informed

You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request rectification, to correct inaccurate personal data or to have incomplete personal data completed. With regard to the regulations in the Archives Act we can not erase personal data if we do not have a legal ground in a regulation from the National Archives.

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

If you are dissatisfied with the way BTH process personal data you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (The Swedish Data Protection Authority).

Preserving and disposing of records (storage periods)

As a government agency BTH is obliged to comply with The Archives Act. That means that public records kept by BTH in most cases should be preserved. In order to destroy (erase) public records there must be legal grounds in a regulation from the National Archives. The regulations applying to each individual registry can be found in the BTH archives registry.

Everything you submit becomes an official document

Everything you submit to BTH becomes an official document. This means that in accordance with the principle of public access to information these documents can be requested by the public or by representatives of mass media.

Should someone request documents or personal data we must consider whether the information contained in the document is secret, according to one of the provisions of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). After that we can decide if the information can be made available, in whole or in part.

More information

Data Controller

Blekinge Institute of Technology
Address: SE-371 79 Karlskrona,
Organization Number: 202100-4011
Phone: 0455-38 50 00

Data Protection Officer

Phone: 0455-38 50 00

More information

You can read more about the processing of personal data and data protection regulations on Datainspektionens Web site There you will also find information on how to contact Datainspektionen if you have complaints about BTH’s processing of your personal information.