PhD Courses

PhD course - Innovation and entrepreneurship

Research impact is no longer solely evaluated on academic publications and teaching programmes. The research funding landscape today expects a clear strategy regarding impact on society included in project proposals. Non-academic research dissemination, either through a start-up company or collaborations with established companies is therefore increasingly important.

The course is divided into two parts of 2 credits each, where the second part is optional.

Part one: The first part consists of four seminars covering areas of IPR, capital raising, business modelling, timing, team building and internationalization. Each seminar includes both preparations and reflections. The preparations and reflections are conducted individually and could be delivered either written or orally.

Part two (optional): For 2 additional credits, the student is required to submit a written business plan (optional topic) and participate in presentation and pitching. Coaching is included individually and/or in groups.

The course is preliminary planned to lp 4, i.e., second part of the spring 2023 (could be held later depending on no. of registrations). The course is provided by Innovation office at BTH in cooperation with external expert representatives who will give seminars.

Course registration is done by sending email to at the latest 28th of February. Please state your full name, department and research area.

Other senior researchers are also welcome to attend and follow the seminars.