Innovation Spike

Innovation Spike

Welcome to Innovation Spike, a festival with a concept to inspire and attract people who are curious and interested in innovation and entrepreneurship. We seek to Empower problem solvers, strategic thinkers, analysts, doera initiators, communicators and curious people.

We will provide interesting workshops and keynote speakers, a place to hang out and meet with others, and simply “The place to be” for you to be motivated, and inspired and boos yourself with new insights.

Travels will be compensated from Campus Karlshamn!

To keep you informed and updated follow us on Instagram @bth_innovation_office.

BTH Campus Gräsvik 9th of September 12-17


Juice machine – 12.30-13.15

My Mellis – 13.30- 14.15

Damien – 14.30- 15.15

Mad- 15.30- 16.15

See the description of the speakers below


Speaker presentation

Juice machine

I like games, so I make games

I will guide you through the journey of a teenager who loves games. At the age of 15, she stumbles across an opportunity that will lead her to one day be able to start her own game studio and call herself a game developer.

Meet Julia Elmhammar, one of the founders of Juice Machine Games. They are a newly started company in Blekinge driven by three people with a high passion for games who want to explore old and new genres and test new frontiers, as well as build a company that is based on fair conditions, communication, and transparency.

My Mellis

Anton and Emma are two young entrepreneurs but have already many fine awards in their luggage. Come and listen as they talk about how their business journey has been, and how they share both ups and downs. Listen as they talk about how they took a societal challenge and turned it into a business idea. To be able to make a difference and create a better future with their Company.

Damien Keil – 

Innovative Organisational Culture: Empowering people to Innovate

Damien is a program manager at Hyper island with a discipline background from Manchester Metropolitan University, Damiens approach emphases the development and facilitation of learning journeys. Student interaction is vital for this process. He has developed a strong reliance on blended learning which usually involves ‘flipping the classroom’ or Problem-Based Learning.

With the impact of globalization and technological growth, companies are moving from being complicated, to truly complex. This has quite profound implications for companies wanting to innovate. No longer can we rely on a few knowledgeable individuals to drive innovation, instead, innovation is the responsibility of all. Given that innovation is creative, risky, and nonlinear in nature, we have to have an organizational culture that supports and nurtures individuals and teams in the behaviours and mindset needed for the future of work. The question that remains is, how do we do that…?


Join MADs session on the Big Stage to hear the Story of how two young women, unknowingly of each other, left their traditional Corporate and Startup Careers to go Business Backpacking around the world. As their roads crossed, they decided to found MAD; a Movement and acronym for Make A Difference, that also speaks about how they believe that it’s the people who are crazy, MAD, enough to change the world who actually do!

Today, 5 years of explorative expeditions that’s engaged over 30 countries, across 5 continents, and more than 60 organizations – they are here to share some on how their work and movement have evolved; How experiencing The Future more deeply Today can equip us to make better-informed decisions about how to develop not just social but societal solutions in entrepreneurial, innovative and effective ways. A methodology that is Challenge Based, Mission Led and Crowdsourced, that has explored futures across themes such as Water, Sanitation and Energy infrastructures, Gender Equality, Financial Technologies, as well as decentralized Democracy and (r)evolutionary Climate  Action.   The last one is what you’ll have the opportunity to experience in their Base Camp tent throughout the day. MADly Welcome!

Workshop presentation

Blue Siencepark

Exponential innovation. From Stone Age to Information Age. What drives it and what does the future look like?


How can new organizational models be innovations?

Coompanion gives three brilliant examples of how groups of people have created new organizational models for business & social impact.

During the workshop we will also test, how would a model with several owners function for your ideas?

About Coompanion:

Do you want to develop an idea where you are a group of people or organizations that want to create a business or/and solve a societal challenge? Coompanion offers free advice and innovation development for people who want to actualize ideas together.

Ledarskaps caféet

Two session 13-13.30 and 15-15.30. The first addresses thought-provoking eye-openers on what leadership are. Seonc session discuss interesting topics that popped up during leadership coffee sessions earlier.