
Leapfrogs scholarships

Leapfrogs is a scholarship open for students in Skåne and Blekinge.

The scholarship is created so that those who receive it shall, during summer, be able to work with their business ideas to have the time and opportunity to develop their idea and entrepreneurial spirit further.

The proposals submitted for assessment are described as the need for the innovation, who will use it, what potential exists in the long term and how it is linked to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for sustainability.

Every year, 300-400 students apply for these scholarships of SEK 40,000.

The criteria evaluated are:

  • Long-term potential
  • The degree of innovation of the idea
  • How the Leapfrog scholarship will make a difference to the development of the project
  • Description of what is intended to be achieved during the project period
  • The idea’s connection to the Agenda 2030 for sustainability

The application is open now and is available at Leapfrogs | Home | Leapfrogs (lu.se). It closes on February 12th.  On this page there is also other useful information that will help you in the preparations to describe your business idea and apply for the scholarship!

Before the deadline, BTH Innovation Office will arrange workshops so that you can both improve your idea and also to better describe it so that you have as good opportunities as possible.

You will be updated here about the workshops when planned.

Good luck!