
Collaboration with Ericsson

BTH and Ericsson AB have collaborated since the early 90s, initially within education, to provide regional IT and telecom companies with access to expertise. Today, Ericsson annually engages 50 students from various study programmes in project work. The collaboration gives Ericsson the opportunity to get to know the students, and the students are able to apply their knowledge in practice while getting to know Ericsson as an employer.

Ericsson also accepts trainees to support the company’s development team. Furthermore, every spring semester, a large number of students are given the opportunity to conduct their degree projects in cooperation with Ericsson.

Ericsson regularly gives guest lectures, particularly on the software engineering programme, to demonstrate how the company works with requirements management, software testing, etc.

The collaboration also consists of training for Ericsson staff, provided by BTH. This is performed partly within the framework of PROMPT – a unique skills-enhancement initiative aimed to ensure access to software experts in industry and, thereby, increase Swedish competitiveness. The parties also collaborate on the national graduate school called PLEng, which aims to meet the industry’s need for increased expertise among staff, and to facilitate the transfer of applied research to industry.

BTH and Ericsson have collaborated in various research projects for many years. The work has primarily involved the field of software engineering – an area in which BTH has strong research, ranked among the top six in the world. The work focuses on software development, multiprocessor systems, efficient development processes and global software development, as well as balancing and coordinating the business perspective, architecture, processes and organisation.

“Ericsson, which develops software for operating and business support solutions, has many collaborative projects with BTH. The projects with BTH are easy to participate in, and the fact that it is a small education institution is an advantage. We recently accepted 30 students from BTH to our various internship programmes.”

Stefan Wilke, Ericsson Karlskrona

Contact us

Contact person Ericsson

Stefan Wilke

Contact person BTH

Andreas Larsson