Swedish Armed Forces

Collaboration with the Swedish Armed Forces

The Naval Warfare Centre in Karlskrona has collaborated with BTH for several years in a number of different areas. The latest collaboration concerns underwater technology, in which the parties take joint responsibility for an externally employed doctoral student at BTH whose education is funded by the Naval Warfare Centre. The work is focused on testing and improvement of underwater operations, and takes place at the Swedish Armed Forces’ Diving and Medical Centre in Karlskrona.

Underwater technology is an area which is highly prioritised by the Government in order to increase the operational capacity of the Armed Forces and further strengthen its expertise.

BTH has begun working on developing an engineering programme in marine technology, and recognises that the collaboration will result in additional positive effects in the future.

Previous collaborations between the Naval Warfare Centre and BTH have involved anomaly detection during sea surveillance, diving technology, and structure and quality of course descriptions and evaluation.

Photo: Joel Thungren / Swedish Armed Forces

Contact us

Contact person BTH

Oskar Frånberg
