
Collaboration with Telenor

Telenor and BTH have signed a collaboration agreement involving multiple areas.

BTH supports the collaboration by giving Telenor access to experts, student temps, lab environments, libraries, lectures and development projects. BTH is also to offer more specific career development opportunities for Telenor staff through a collaboration on the Telenor Career Ladder and by offering courses within its context.

Telenor supports the collaboration by providing internships for students, offering opportunities for degree project work, offering traineeships, conducting guest lectures, and participating in research collaborations or innovation projects.

BTH and Telenor also intend to establish joint lab environments, conduct joint events and lectures, and initiate contacts with each of the parties’ collaboration partners. In addition, the collaboration may involve shared resources, such as conference halls, lunch opportunities, etc.

The parties will also work together on various research collaborations, primarily in software engineering and other applications of relevance to Telenor. For these collaborations, the parties will have separate agreements concerning intellectual property rights and publishing.

Contact us

Contact person Telenor

Dan Hallengren>

Contact person BTH

Andreas Larsson