
What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on a visitor’s computer and contain information. Cookies are normally used to improve the visitor’s website experience. There are two types of cookies. The first type of cookie saves a file that is stored on the visitor’s computer, and is used, for example, to customise a website according to the visitor’s requests, choices and interests. The other type of cookie is called session cookie, which is temporarily stored in the visitor’s computer memory while visiting a website. Session cookies disappear as soon as the visitor closes their browser.

You have the option to disable cookies through your browser’s security settings. You can also set your browser to receive a warning every time the website is trying to create a cookie on your computer.

For more information about cookies and online communication, visit the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority’s website.

Website analysis tools

The web analysis tools on this site, Google Analytics and Siteimprove, use cookies. These cookies gather aggregated information about how visitors use the site, such as the number of pageviews, where visitors come from, and the number of visits, to improve the site and provide a good user experience. If you choose not to accept cookies, information will not be gathered.