Software Metrics

Programme course instance, 7,5 Credits

  • Period : 2024-March-25 until 2024-June-02
  • Location: Campus Karlskrona
  • Type of instruction: Campus, day-time, half-time 50%
  • Main field of study: Software engineering
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Education level: A1N
  • Application code: B7Y4F
  • Course code: PA2559
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Software Metrics, 7,5 Credits

To understand, assess and control software and software development projects, one must be able to measure various aspects of software and its development. The measurement may concern for example the software’s quality, the efficiency of processes and tools, or the productivity of the staff. Measurements make it possible to detect and diagnose problems and to follow up whether various actions have had the desired effect.
The goal of the course is to provide students with the fundamentals of software measurement. Students will acquire knowledge of how measurements can be used to control, manage and predict software development processes. Students will also acquire a basic understanding of measurement processes and an awareness of the problems associated with software measurement, as well as experience in creating measurement models and carry out measurements.

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Course manager:

Muhammad Usman

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