Socket Programming in C/C++ for Internet Applications
Programme course instance, 7,5 Credits
- Period : 2026-August-31 until 2026-November-01
- Location: Campus Karlskrona
- Type of instruction: Campus, day-time, half-time 50%
- Main field of study: Computer science
- Language of instruction: English
- Education level: G1F
- Application code: BJF9Q
- Course code: DV1728
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This course is part of a programme and cannot be applied.
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Socket Programming in C/C++ for Internet Applications, 7,5 Credits
The goal of this course is to give students
\- Basic understanding of how the Internet works and how (POSIX) sockets can be used to communicate over an IP network.
\- Understanding how client- and server applications can be designed and implemented, focusing on UDP and TCP as transport protocols.
\- Understanding different programming models and methods for handling communication via systems that use Network Address Translation (NAT).