Applied Competition and Market Analysis

Programme course instance, 6 Credits

  • Period : 2028-March-27 until 2028-June-04
  • Location: Campus Karlskrona
  • Type of instruction: Campus, day-time, half-time 50%
  • Main field of study: Industrial Economics and Management
  • Language of instruction:
  • Education level: A1N
  • Application code: BDJP4
  • Course code: IY2648
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Applied Competition and Market Analysis, 6 Credits

The aim of the course is to develop the student's ability to work with empirical models and methods concerning competition and market situation for different companies and markets. A further aim is that the student - through an independent and critical approach - should develop his/her ability to identify and reflect on connections between different empirical and theoretical models and strategic issues a company encounters in terms of competition, market concentration and positioning.

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