Electromagnetic Field Theory

Programme course instance, 6 Credits

  • Period : 2028-August-28 until 2028-October-29
  • Location: Campus Karlskrona
  • Type of instruction: Campus, day-time, forty percent 40%
  • Main field of study:
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Education level: A1N
  • Application code: BAXEQ
  • Course code: FY2505
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This course is part of a programme and cannot be applied.

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Electromagnetic Field Theory, 6 Credits

The aim of the course is for the student to learn the theory of electric and magnetic fields, both static and dynamic, and to gain insight into how to use the theory in various relevant application areas, including, for example, radar technology.

Good to know


Course manager:

Yevhen Ivanenko


Study counselling:
