Creativity and Systematic Innovation

Programme course instance, 6 Credits

  • Period : 2028-October-30 until 2029-January-14
  • Location: Campus Karlskrona
  • Type of instruction: Campus, day-time, forty percent 40%
  • Main field of study: Mechanical engineering
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Education level: A1F
  • Application code: BEJUM
  • Course code: MT2588
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Creativity and Systematic Innovation, 6 Credits

The aim of the course is to give the student a deep understanding of systematic creativity, creative processes, and systematic methods and tools for innovation in a technical product development context. The student should be able to use unstructured and lateral creative techniques and structured idea-generation tools for systematic idea development (Systematic Inventive Technique, SIT) to develop, evaluate and select inventive solutions that meet identified problems and needs.

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Course manager:

Christian Johansson Askling

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