Career after MBA


The MBA programme is designed to provide engineers a way to move their careers forward. You will complement your professional expertise with knowledge in the field of industrial economics and management. We offer you the skill sets to perform your future managerial roles in fast-changing globalized industries.

Job opportunities

Upon completion of the programme, you will be able to take on professional roles such as the following:

  • Project leader: Planning, coordinating, and monitoring complex industrial projects under quality, cost, and time constraints.
  • Financial manager: Delivering financial reports, directing investment activities, and developing strategies for long-term growth of an organization.
  • Operations manager: Monitoring day-to-day business operations, including finances, policies, and staffing.
  • Management consultant: Working globally within complex projects to deliver and implement solutions related to business processes.
  • Entrepreneur: Running your own business, bringing new ideas to the market, including innovation management.

Our MBA programme provides you with the added human capital that helps you reach your career goals in the fast changing environment of globalization, digitalization, and sustainability.


Discover what our graduates say about their careers after the MBA:

How did you find the programme valuable?  

MBA studies combined with a full time job has not been an easy journey, but the time and effort invested in it was definitely worth it! I started to think like an economist which helps me make better financial and strategic decisions both in life and business.

How has the programme helped you open up career opportunities?  

After graduation I progressed from an IT engineer to the manager in business development. The role requires technical experience as well as business knowledge, which I gained during my studies.

Vadym Sokol, MBA Class 2018


How did you find the programme valuable?

The broadness was very valuable for me, even if I already have been working for many years, it gave an insight and deeper knowledge.

How has the programme helped you open up career opportunities?

It has helped me in the environment approaching investors. I can discuss at a higher level with help of the gained knowledge in the MBA courses.

Lars Nilsson, MBA Class 2017


How do you find the programme valuable?

I find the programme valuable to take a more commercial role compared to the engineering role I had previously.

What do you do today, in terms of career?

I was previously a team leader in engineering but am now a global product manager.

Jonas Norling, MBA Class 2017

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