MBA Faculty

About Us

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, has a distinctive focus on IT and innovation for sustainable growth. Our main task is to contribute to a more sustainable societal development through higher education, research and innovation. We provide education and conduct research at an international level, focusing on IT in conjunction with engineering, industrial economics, spatial planning, design, and health sciences. We equip our students with skills that prepare them to face future challenges.

Currently, there are approximately 5,200 registered students, divided into 20 undergraduate level study programmes. Our staff comprise 450 employees. The total turnover is 450 million SEK.

The MBA programme is offered by the Department of Industrial Economics. Our faculty is composed of PhDs in the areas of Economics and Management. We have delivered teaching in this programme for over twenty years.  The research focus at the department is on the interplay between technology, industry dynamics, and innovation.

Faculty members

Martin AnderssonMartin Andersson

Professor in Industrial Economics

Martin currently teaches Microeconomics, Strategy, and innovation. His research focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship, industrial dynamics, and technology.

Johan EklundJohan Eklund

Professor in Industrial Economics

His research interests concern the relationship between institutions – in particular regulations – and their long-term effects on economic development and growth. He also has broad interest in industrial economics, institutional economics, and law and economics. Johan now holds a position as Chief Economist at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden (Handelskammaren).

Viroj JienwatcharamongkholViroj Jienwatcharamongkhol

PhD in Economics

He is the current course manager for Strategy and Control, and Managerial Economics in the MBA-Programme. He moreover teaches managerial economics, industrial organization, and strategy. His current research includes international trade, innovation, entrepreneurship, and corporate social governance.

Wen Pan Fagerlin

PhD in Business Administration

Wen currently teaches Industrial Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Research Methodology.  Her research area is strategy and innovation, where a large focus has been exploring top management behavior in innovation. Parallel to her academic career, she has been working as an innovation management consultant, providing consultancy services to international clients from startups to large multinational corporations.

Mojtaba Hosseini

PhD in International Entrepreneurship

Mojtaba Hosseini is a lecturer in industrial economics at Blekinge Institute of Technology. He defended his Ph.D. in 2016 at Linkoping university on international entrepreneurship. Then, he has been working both within academia and as an independent entrepreneur, running his own start-up.

Eva LövstålEva Lövstål

PhD in Business Administration

She currently teaches management control, strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. Her current research deals with management control practices in innovation contexts. Eva has long experience of higher education teaching.

Jonas Månsson

Professor in Industrial Economics

Jonas currently teaches Management Science/Operation analysis and Industrial Organisation. Research areas are efficiency/productivity, Industrial economics, applied statistics and causal inference. Jonas has been Senior Advisor for the National Audit Offices in Sweden and Norway. He has been guest researcher at Thammasat University, Queensland University of Technology, Amsterdam University, WZB Berlin. He has also organised trainings for regional, national as well as international audiences.

Emil NumminenEmil Numminen

PhD in Industrial Economics and Management

Holds a PhD in Industrial Economics and Management and is Head of Department of Industrial Economics at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Dr Numminen’s conducts research about e.g. private-public partnerships, software economics and finance.

Shahiduzzaman QuoreshiShahiduzzaman Quoreshi

PhD in Econometrics

He currently teaches the Corporate Finance course in the MBA-Programme. His teaching spans microeconomics, industrial organization, econometrics and Finance. His current research is about econometrics, finance, and public finance.. Shahid has previously worked as senior analyst at The Swedish Growth Agency.

Philippe Rouchy

PhD in Sociology

Philippe currently teaches Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Technological Development, Digitalisation, and Social Change. He supervises master’s theses within the MBA programme using Structural Equation Modelling and within the Civilingenjör programme using optimisation methods. His research focuses on sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.

Martin SvenssonMartin Svensson

PhD in Industrial Economics

Martin is currently the course manager for Principles of Leadership and Management, and Research Methods in Industrial Economics in the MBA-programme. His teaching spans management, leadership, and research methods. His current research is about emotions and economical behaviour. Martin is moreover director of one of our largest campus programmes.

Henrik SällbergHenrik Sällberg

PhD in Industrial Economics

Henrik is Director of the MBA Programme at BTH. He currently teaches corporate finance, marketing, and supply chain management. His current research is about private finance, and demand side incentives. Henrik has more than 15 years’ experience of online higher education.

Maryna Brychko

PhD in Finance

Maryna is Guest Lecturer at Department of Industrial Economics since 2022. She is teaching courses in both the MBA and MIEM programmes, including Financial Economics, Economic Analysis of Markets, Firms, and Industries, and Asset Pricing and Investment Analysis. Her research interests include corporate finance, financial analysis, financial risk management, and public trust in financial sector.

Anders WrenneAnders Wrenne

Licentiate in Economics

He currently teaches Industrial management, and Industrial marketing. Anders is also Director of Studies at the department. His current research is on services marketing and service development.

Anupama Unnikrishnan

PhD in Economics

Anupama currently teaches Research Methods, Statistics & Econometrics, Globalisation and International Strategies and courses in Finance. Her specialisation is in International Economics. Her current research includes private-public partnerships, tourism, skill mismatch and sustainability.

Johanna Börrefors

PhD in Sociology of Law

Johanna is a legal sociologist with a background at the Department of Sociology (sociology of law unit) at Lund University. Johanna mainly teaches qualitative research methods, leadership and organizational theory as well as theories related to technology development and digitization. Her main research interests are organizational theory, leadership/followership, linguistic expressions and metaphors and social identities.

Ongoing research

Besides offering world-class education to all our MBA students, our faculty has been conducting impactful research with clear policy implications and a strong focus on the areas of technology, innovation, and economics. Here, you can read a sample of ongoing research projects that we are currently involved in.

Financial market contagion

The study involves the effects of global financial crisis on stock markets across countries.

Demand for mobile apps

We study the determinants of app demand, and impact on app demand on firm performance.

Value-based healthcare

We study how to incorporate value-based concept for the healthcare system in Sweden.

Software & scale-ups

The core question involves how tech firms determine the pace and development of software innovations.

Management control & innovation

We examine how to effectively balance the tension between innovation and control in entrepreneurial ventures.


Externally funded projects

Sweden’s Position in Global Value Chains

This project gives a better understanding of the Sweden’s role for global firms and the understanding of the specific position held by Sweden in the internationally fragmented value chains of these firms. Funded by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova, this multi-year project is a collaboration between Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE) at Lund University, and Jönköping International Business School (JIBS).

More info about the project: link


The project is about the prerequisites and driving forces for growth and growth of new industries and activities that are built around “old resources” such as forest, fisheries and agriculture, in rural areas. The project is in collaboration with Entrepreneurship Forum and financed by The Kamprad Family Foundation.


Electric Roads

This EU-funded project involves Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), RISE Research Institute of Sweden, NetPort Science Park, Techtank, and several private companies in the automobile and transport sectors.

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