Welcome letter Master’s Programme in Software Engineering – Spring-22 part-time 50% distance

Congratulations on your admission!

Welcome to the Master's Programme in Software Engineering

at Blekinge Institute of Technology!

This distance learning programme runs part-time from 17 January 2022 to 14 January 2024. Part-time means that you are expected to, on average, spend 20 hours per calendar week on your studies.

You will find additional information on joining the programme at BTH on Newly admitted students.

Important! To keep your place on the programme, you must fulfil the steps in the section below: “Procedure to join the programme”.

Update! students admitted late (admitted after 22 december) must register for the courses in Ladok for students 5 – 23 January, see ”Procedure to join the programme” below.

A warm welcome to BTH!

Deepika Badampudi

Programme manager


Procedure to join the programme

You must fulfil these steps to keep your place on the programme.

  1. Tuition fee (deadline 15 May)
    Visit the tuition fee page for information.
  1. Apply for a residence permit (as soon as possible)
    Visit the Migration agency home page for more information, if you will take a Campus programme.  
  1. Activate student account (from 21 March)
    You will recieve an email with instructions, read more on  Student Portal – Get started
  1. Register for the courses (from 26 July)
    You must register on-line for the courses to keep your place on the programme. Instructions are on Student portal – Get started
  1.  Programme start (2 September)
    If you cannot participate in the programme introduction, report this by email to the programme manager. 

Equipment and digital tools

BTH requires students to use their own computers for studies. Your programme might have specific hardware or software requirements, make sure to check here if your program is listed and find out what you need. Additionally, for online education, ensure you have a camera, a headset with a microphone, and an internet connection.

All programs and courses use the online learning management system Canvas. Once you activate your student account and register for a course, you can access your Canvas course page. You can find more information about Canvas, Zoom, and other digital tools you have access to here.

Programme and courses

You can find programme syllabus and information on the programme's web page and Canvas page.

Courses during the initial semester:

, 7,5 hp Period: 2022-August-29 until 2023-January-15 Kurskod: PA2580

, 7,5 hp Period: 2022-August-29 until 2023-January-15 Kurskod: PA2577

Further questions?

If you still have questions after reading this welcome letter and visiting
International student guide, please contact studentreception@bth.se.